Sweet (Day 5)

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TW: my crappy writing, adorable fluff, and gayness

{Third Person POV}

"Here, try this one" Patton gave his best friend of many years a sucker, "Patton I think we've had enough candy" he said, taking it and putting back on the table. "Awe, c'mon! One more piece?" Logan sighed, he knew Patton would keep asking, "Fine" Patton squealed, "Okay, I want.... this one! And you would probably like this one"

Patton handed him another piece of candy, "What is this?" He asked, looking it over. Patton smiled, "Candy" the other sighed, "Patton, I need to know, is it going to kill me? Is it poison? Or did your sister make it?" "Hey!" They heard from the kitchen.

Patton laughed, "No, it's not going to kill you, it's not poison, and I made it" he said, taking one for himself. They were all on a tray, and had chocolate one top of it, and what looked like rice crispy treats at the bottom. "Just try it" the other took a bite, "Do you like it?" "Yeah, it's pretty good" Patton grinned, "I'm glad!"


Years later and Patton owned his own Sweet Shop, which went well with his last name.

"Patton?" "Yes?" "I have a question" Logan said, "Okay..." "I want to know, how sweet do you think you are?" Patton shrugged, "I don't know, people always say I'm sweet, so I guess I am" the other laughed, "No, I mean, if you kissed someone, how sweet do you think you would be?" "Oh! Well, I guess I would be pretty sweet. So, my last name is Sweets, I am sweet, and I probably taste sweet"

"That's a lot of sweets" "Yeah, but I'm not sure about the taste thing" "Do you want to find out?" Patton nodded, "But how are you going to know? Are you gonna check?" Logan laughed, "No, but I do need to know, is it okay what I do?" Patton tilted his head, "Um... yeah"

The other leaned forward, softly connecting their lips, Patton grinned and kissed back. Logan pulled away, "Well, someone needs to lay off the sour candy"

I kinda liked that one, even if it is pretty short. But I am bad at making kissing scenes.



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