Bookstore (Logicality)

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Human au

{Third Person POV}

"Patton, get out of the rain, you'll get sick." Logan told his boyfriend as he walked into a nearby bookstore, Patton following close behind.

"Maybe we can just wait the rain out." Patton suggested, "But what if we're late for the reservations?"

"We'll be fine. Besides, we're in a bookstore!" He exclaimed, gesturing around the shelves. "And you love reading, so it's a bonus."

"Not for you." Logan pointed out and Patton shrugged, "Well I love you, so.." He shrugged again. Logan smiled and leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to the other's forehead.

"Oh wait! I have an idea!" Patton exclaimed once Logan pulled away, "What is it?"

"How about I pick out a book for you, and you pick one out for me?" "That's a great idea, Patton." Logan told him and the other grinned, "Thanks! Do you wanna do it?" Logan nodded and Patton grinned again, "Great!"

The two talked longer and eventually split up to find books for the other.

{Logan's POV}

I walked over to the "Graphic Novel" section, knowing Patton had bought and read a recent graphic novel called Heartstopper, and it has a few other volumes, and the first book had ended on a cliffhanger.

So I searched through the books and eventually found the books.

There were about three other books in the series.

So, I did the logical thing.

I bought them all.

I did that because Patton loves the two characters (He had gushed all about the two of them and how in love they are.) and I love Patton, ergo, seeing Patton happy would make me feel just as happy.

So I walked up to the counter, paid for the books, and put them in a bag so Patton wouldn't be able to see the books.

{Patton's POV}

I watched Logan walk off somewhere and I kinda just... Wandered around.

I honestly don't know what kind of book I should get Logan, considering it seems like he owns every book ever made.

But I still want to find something for him!

And the book has to be perfect for him because he's perfect and needs to be protected at all times!

Okay, kinda need to calm down.

I wandered around a littler longer and after a while found a book called Surrounded By Idiots.

That's perfect for him!

Oh, wait, that's a little mean to.. Literally everyone we know.

Well it is perfect for him.

After reading what it was about, (Basically about like, the mind and stuff.) I took the book off the shelf and tucked it under my arm so that if I run into Logan, he wouldn't know.


After a little while more of looking I found another one titled, F*cking History, and while it's a little... Um... Not PG, it's all about history we should've learned in school, and he loves that stuff.

And Janus, but I'm pretty sure he already has this book.

I figured finding another one couldn't hurt, so off I went.

And basically immediately I found one called You Asked For Perfect and after reading what it's about I figured it was perfect for Logan.

It's about a boy who is overworking himself, (Literally Logan in high school... And sometimes now) who has to get a tutor and ends up falling for him.

Anyway, it seems great and I might read it after Logan does.

So I went up and paid for it and the other books.

{Third Person POV}

Patton did the same as Logan, making sure that the books weren't visible.

He looked around and found his boyfriend sitting at one of the tables by the door and windows.

"Lo!" Logan looked up from the book he was reading and smiled as Patton sat down.

"I got your books~" He sang, setting the bag next to him on the floor. "Books..? As in, more than one?" Logan asked and Patton nodded.

"Well that's ironic," Logan said as he reached for the bag of books he had gotten, "Because I bought you these."

"Lo! You didn't have to!" "Well you didn't have to do the same for me." "Okay.. True." Patton chuckled, "But here, take a look at your books."

Patton slid the bag across the table and Logan took each book out one by one.

"These seem amazing," Logan said as he looked at the three, "Well I wanted them to be perfect, since you're perfect!"

Despite Patton saying things like that commonly Logan blushed pink and looked out the window, "That's not really possible, nothing's perfect."

"Well you are!" "Fine, I'm perfect. Have your books."

Patton smiled and started taking the books out, immediately grinning. "Lo! You got the rest of the books for me?!" Logan nodded and Patton made a squealing noise, Logan looking at him weirdly.

"Oh, sorry, it's just- I love this so much!" "I could tell." Logan said and Patton playfully hit his shoulder, "Oh, shush."

Logan smiled and looked down at his watch, "Guess we missed our reservation." "That's okay! At least we got some new books." Logan smiled at his boyfriend but nodded. "True."

926 words

Honestly I don't have anything to say but I feel weird not putting anything here, so, yeah..

But I do want to mention that despite it being summer vacation I still wake up early.

Except instead of six it's five thanks to sisters.

And God forbid I try to sleep until seven.

Yeah, this is gonna suck.

But whatever.



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