A Mess (Logicality)

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High school au

{Third Person POV}

Roman and Logan sat at their Science table, waiting for the rest of their grouo yo show up as they did, Roman doodling on a piece of paper as Logan sat next to him, reading the instructions their teacher had previously given them.

"Hi Lo, hi Ro!" Patton chirped as him and Virgil walked over, Patton giving Logan a side hug before walking over and sitting across from him, propping his elbows on the table, putting his head in his hands.

"So what're we doing today?" He asked, smile on his face.

Logan stared and flushed red before looking back down at the paper, "Well the paper says that we're," He glanced up to see if Patton was still looking at him, which he was, smile still on his face.

"That we're... We're measuring with meters." He finished, face still a bright red.

"How are we doing that?" Patton asked, lifting his head and tilting it to the left just slightly.

"W-well we have a string and a few washers, and we'll, we'll tie the washers on the string." Logan explained, trying his best to seem calm as Patton smiled at him.

Roman just glared up from his doodle and at Logan, who was still blushing and stuttering as Patton asked more questions about the experiment.

Soon Patton went off to go ask the teacher something, leaving Logan with a lovesick smile on his face.

"That was sad to watch." Roman stated bluntly, Logan glaring over at him.

"Shut up. I can't help it."

"It was still sad to watch." Virgil added, looking up from the book he was reading.

386 words

Idk what this was, I wanted to get something out.

Also, I have an idea for a prinxiety Greek God au where Virgil is like, the son of Echo and Roman is the son of Narcissus but I'm still working some details out.

Such as, how will Narcissus still be alive? Dude died because he was too busy looking at himself.

Also, Echo is a nymph and I'm pretty sure nymps are just women.

Idk, maybe I'll do trans Virgil.

Just wanted to let you guys, gals, and non-binary pals know that I'm working on something and not being lazy.



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