Help (Prinxiety)

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TW: Periods, brief mentions of pads and pain that comes with a period (Back pains, headaches, cramps.) But it's really just one trans boy helping another :]

High school au

{Third Person POV}

Roman stood at his locker happily, which was an odd thing to see as it was seven thirty in the morning and he went to a public school.

But Roman was just like that, chipper and excited.

And, he was waiting for his lovely boyfriend, who should be arriving soon, as it was routine for Virgil to come over to Roman's locker in the morning and for them to talk for a bit.

Or for Roman to go to his locker, but Virgil was always sneaky and managed to keep out of his sight as he walked over.

And today was the same, as right after Roman shut his locker and turned, he was met with his boyfriend standing right next to him.

He was used to the random surprise entrances by his boyfriend though, so he just smiled and greeted the other.

"Hi Vee!" He greeted, bright smile on his face, which contrasted with Virgil's glum face, as he was looking down at the floor and Roman was looking at him happily.

Roman immediatly noticed something was wrong with the other's mood and cupped his face with his right hand, tilting his own head to the side.

He quickly looked him up and down and seen that he had dressed completely differently than usual. Usually Virgil took his time and wore really pretty outfits that, despite it not quite being his style, Roman loved. That outfit usually included a hoodie Virgil had made, though instead of the jacket being unzipped as usual, it was completely zipped up.

He also took his time doing his make-up, but today the eyeshadow just looked like dark bags under his eyes.

He then looked him in the eye and gently caressed his cheek with his thumb.

"What's wrong?" He asked, gently lifting up Virgil's face, a gesture that made Virgil's eye look up at him.

"Nothing." He answered simply, though Roman's concerned face made him sigh and lightly push away Roman's hand.

"Just, y'know," he gestured vaguely, "Time of the month." He mumbled and Roman smiled sympathetically, this time using both of his hands to cup his boyfriend's face.

"You need anything?" He asked quietly, pulling Virgil over just a little.

Virgil shyly tried to look away but Roman kept his face in place, so he whispered quietly, "Pads... if you have any." He added the last part even quieter.

Roman smiled and turned to his locker, kicking it and making it open.

Public school lockers, amirite?

"Ta-da!" Roman exclaimed dramatically, taking out a few pads and shoving them in Virgil's pockets.

"Roman!" Virgil exclaimed as Roman tried to stuff what seemed like the twentieth pad into his jacket pocket.

"That's enough! I don't need that many." He said with an eyeroll, but he was smiling, so Roman knew he wasn't mad.

"I just wanna make sure you're prepared! Not having enough is the worst." He said with a knowing look, Virgil nodding vaguely.

How exactly does Roman know?

Because trans.

Yep, boyfriends encouraging boyfriends during the dreaded time of the month.

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