Fuck, I'm Gay (Prinxiety)

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TW: cussing

High school au

{Roman's POV}

"Hey Vee, do you know how to read palms?" Patton asked Virgil, who looked up from his book.

"Um.. no..? I mean, I've read about it," he gestured over to his book, "But I've never actually done it. " "Ooh! You can test it out on me!"

"Are, are you sure?" Virgil asked nervously and Patton nodded excitedly, "Okay... Give me your hand."

So an overly-excited Patton gave Virgil his hand and Logan and I watched as Virgil traced the lines on Patton's hand as he spoke to him.

I have no idea what he was talking about but Patton seemed to get more and more excited.

Eventually Patton pulled his hand away and looked over at me, "Roman, you should try!"


"What?" "You should let Vee read your palm, it's fun!" He explained and I shrugged, it's not like I have anything better to do. "Sure." "Okay, great! Switch me spots."

So the two of us switched seats and now I was across from Virgil and Patton was across from Logan.

"Okay, give me your hand." He said, and I reached my hand out and he took it.

He started tracing the lines on my palm and I have no idea why, but I'm really fricking nervous as he does.

I tried my best to make it seem like I'm perfectly fine by straightening the way I was sitting and looking around the cafeteria.

"Why are you so nervous?" Virgil asked, looking up at me questioningly.

Okay, that didn't work.

And now my face feels really hot, what the heck-

"I-I'm not." I stuttered and I could tell he knew I was lying.

"Okay, well since I got distracted, I'm gonna start again, okay?" He said and I decided that if I were stuttering answering a simple question, I wouldn't say anything now, so I just nodded.

He went back to what he was doing before and I went back to looking around the cafeteria but I sat still this time since he knew something was off with me.

And yeah, there defiantly is.

Yeah, pretty sure I'm not straight.

I mean, I never identified with anything because I honestly wasn't that worried but yeah, pretty sure I'm not straight.

I heard Virgil talking about... I don't know, something about love lines?

Honestly, I'm too busy trying not to show the anxiety of having another guy holding my hand than to listen to whatever he's saying.

He looks back up at me and I don't know what it is but that little smirk is just filling my heart with so much joy-

Fuck, I'm gay.

514 words

Roman thinking he's straight and then just falling hard for one of the sides literally gives me life.

Or any LGBT ship being like that gives me life.


Last day of school!

I know I've mentioned that like, a million times, but I'm happy.

Even though I won't really get to see a lot of my friends, but that'll be fine.



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