Drunk and Anxious (prinxiety)

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TW: mention of past cutting and scars

As it said in the last chapter, this is now a Logicality and Prinxiety one shot book, so if you want to leave me ideas, go ahead

{Roman's POV}

I sat on my bed, making a friendship bracelet while The Nightmare before Christmas played in the background. Yes, I know, it's dark and stuff, but Disney is Disney, and the songs are amazing.

It was sort of peaceful, until I heard a crash and a voice "Rooooomaaaan" I turned toward my door and seen Virgil stumble in "What do you want Hot Topic?" He giggled, that was new, but cute. "Awe, you think I'm hot" "Barely" I mumbled "So what do you want?"

He thought, "I actually don't remember. But since I'm here can I watch this with you?" I nodded, scooting over while he sat down. "Did you know that almost everybody in this movie somehow died?" He said, looking over at me

"No, I didn't" I said, not looking up "How did Sally die then?" "Dismemberment. And Jack was burned, the mayor broke his neck and Oogy Boogy got his skin peeled off" "That's disturbing" I said looking up "How do you know all this?" "Tumblr" he said simply.

"Is that all your on or something?" "Only when I can't sleep. So yeah, basically all the time" he said watching the TV. I hummed in response, "Does Patton know your drunk?" Virgil laughed, "Of course not, the only ones that know are you and Remus, who got me drunk"

"How exactly did he get you drunk?" I asked, finishing the bracelet, it was red, white and gold. "We played a drinking game" "Makes sense" he hummed in agreement "What's that?" He asked, looking at the bracelet as I tried to put it on my wrist, "Its a bracelet, but I can't get it on"

"Let me try" he said, grabbing the bracelet as he lifted up my sleeve.

{Third person POV}

"W-what's this?" Virgil asked, looking at the cuts on Roman's arm. "N-nothing!" The fanciful side said quickly, trying to move his arm, unfortunately Virgil had a firm grip. "W-why?" He whispered, trying not to cry, Why Roman? Why did he feel so bad as to cut?

"Because...." he sighed, "I felt like I wasn't enough....." Virgil lifted Roman's arm to his face, "Do you still?" "No, I haven't in a while" Virgil nodded, "I'm glad...."

He then kissed a scar, then another, and another, just soft pecks. "W-what are you doing?" Roman asked, blushing, once again trying to remove his arm. "Kissing your scars, and I'm going to kiss every single one. Until you feel better"

"That's alot" Roman muttered, looking down, "I don't see anymore, where are they?" Virgil asked, not kissing Roman's arm but still having a hold on it. "My neck, but don't worry, I didn't do it. It was the dragon witch" "Lemme see"

Roman tilted his head and there you could see scars, they weren't that deep, like they were fading, but you could still see them. "I guess I'll kiss those too" he said, leaning towards the others neck. "W-what?!" Roman said, blushing even more, "I said I would kiss all your scars" Virgil murmured in his neck.

"B-but why?" Roman asked as Virgil started to kiss his neck, not understanding why Virgil would do something like this, especially since he hates him. "Because I love you" he whispered, still kissing him. "I l-love you too V" Roman whispered back.

{Time skip to the morning}

Virgil woke up pretty confused as to why, A) he wasn't in his room, and B) why he was cuddling with someone. "Where am I?" He muttered to himself, and then looked around, soon realizing he was in Roman's room.

"Good morning" Roman said, sitting up. "What happened?" Virgil asked, wondering why he didn't feel as anxious as usual, probably because he wasn't in his room "Nothing much. Disney, bracelets, telling each other about our feelings, kissing. Ya know, the usual stuff" "Telling each other about what?!" Virgil said, feeling a blush come up to his cheeks.

"You don't remember? Let me show you" Roman tilted his head and Virgil seen his neck, he expected to see hickies, but no, there were scars. Suddenly Virgil remembered little bits of what happened the night before. He remembered seeing Roman's scars and saying he would kiss them all, and kissing his neck where there were scars from the dragon witch.

"That's right..." he whispered, touching his neck, "I told you I love you and you said it back" "That's right" Roman said, grabbing Virgil and hugging him.

Virgil never had to kiss his scars again.

I actually kinda liked that one, despite my dysphoria, definitely a favourite.



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