Stupid Feelings... (logicality)

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Grease is amazing and I highly recommend it

High school au

{Third Person POV}

Logan laid in bed, the events of literal months ago going though his head.

Nine months ago

Patton laid his head on Logan's shoulder, snuggling close to him. "What are we watching anyway?" Logan asked, "I dunno, it was just playing."

They continued watching the T.V. until Patton yawned, "I'm sleepy.." he told the other, pulling his blanket closer to him.

"Lay down then." he said, "But then I'll be cold.." it was silent until Patton spoke again, "Will you cuddle me?"

Logan gave his friend a confused look, "Well, yeah, okay." Patton grinned and laid down, pulling the other down next to him. "There! Now I can sleep." He said after cuddling up to Logan, burrying his head into his shoulder.

"Yes, now you can sleep." "Good night LoLo.." Patton whispered, already half asleep, "Good night Patton" Logan told the now sleeping boy, smiling a small smile.

That was how it started.

Eight months ago

Patton giggled as he tackled Logan down, pinning his arms above him on the headboard. "I win!" He said, laughing, "Which means I get to pick the next movie!" Logan smiled, "Fine."

But Patton stayed in the same spot, smiling in victory.


He snapped out of whatever thoughts he was thinking, turning back to the boy under him. "Yes?" "I'd like to watch that movie." Logan said as Patton leaned closer to him. "Hm... no."

Logan chuckled, noting that the two were close, really close, "Why?" "Because." "That's not a reason."

Patton huffed before smirking slightly, leaning closer than the two had been before, before leaning down completely and kissing the other.

Logan remembered not knowing what to do before kissing his friend back.

When they pulled away Patton got off of his friend as he sat up, trying to calm down his thoughts, which, at the moment, were making him think utter nonsense.

"That, that was our first kiss." Patton said in disbelief after a few seconds of silence, "Yeah, it was.."

"I..." Patton trailed off, "Could, could we maybe forget about this?" Logan asked, looking over at his friend.

"Yeah, sure! Whatever's good with you Lo." He gave a small smile, but something still felt off.

That was bad, yes, but what happened soon later made him feel worse.

Six months ago

The two were sitting on the couch watching a movie when Patton turned to his friend, "Y'know what?" Logan turned to him "What?"

He leaned forward, kissing him softly.

This time Logan remembered feeling... excited? When Patton kissed him again.

He kissed back quickly, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him closer.

Soon later they pulled away again, panting softly, "Oh! S-sorry Lo.. I'm not sure why I did that.." Patton apologized.

Don't be sorry he thought, but he didn't say that, unfortunately.

"It's fine"

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