Not so princely affairs (both)

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TW: homophobia, my crappy writing adorable fluff and gayness

{Third Person POV}

Virgil had planned their date all out, they were gonna go to dinner and take a walk through the forest.

Dinner was great, they were so happy to finally tell everyone about their relationship. Walking through the forest was good too, and Roman had properly proposed to Virgil, who had obviously said yes.


Patton had just heard the news about Virgil, he was happy, I mean, why wouldn't he be?

His best friend since forever was finally getting married to the man he's loved for years while he had to go to a secret room just to cuddle with his boyfriend.

But that's fine, he could live with that, he could live with the fact he had to marry a woman he didn't know, it's fine, everything's fine.

But it really wasn't.

He adores Logan, he wants to love him until the day they die, do everything with him. He wants to marry him and love him and give him kisses everyday and-

Woah, getting a little carried away.

But right now he had to get ready for the wedding, to see Virgil and Roman get married and live happily.

The day of the wedding was soon, and of course the king had planned everything with them, even the theme, which was obviously rainbow.

"Logan! You made it!" Roman said happily, waving to his friend, who gave a small wave back. "Never thought you'd get married" he said, walking next to him, "Yes, well I'm sure you would have first if you could"

"Yeah..." He said, giving a small smile, "Speaking of which, have you seen Patton?" He nodded, "he said he was waiting for you in the guest room" "Okay, I'll go see him" Roman smiled, "Okay, well make sure to be back here soon"

"I will, I will" he said, going into the castle and looking through the rooms, he finally found his boyfriend sitting on a bed, writing on something. "Hi honey" he said, walking in, he shot his head up, "Logan! Your finally here!" He ran up to him and hugged him, "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" he murmured in his hair, "I really needed to see you" "Why?" He asked, pulling away, "I have a plan" he said, shutting the door and dragging him to the bed, "It's perfect, nothing bad will go wrong"

"Really? What is it?"

Don't you love cliffhangers? Probably not, anyways, I'll write the other part, I promise, maybe it'll come out tomorrow, maybe today, I'm literally doing nothing. Also, yes I am gonna do a book on this, I have no idea when I'll post it though...



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