For Forever (Prinxiety)

125 1 6

TW: Cussing, vague suicidal thoughts, arm-breaking, and Remus.

Human au

{Third Person POV}

"Come on Vee, cheer up."

Virgil's looking at the floor of Roman's car, his hands in his lap and picking at his painted nails, scratching the dark violet off and into a small pile of shavings onto his pants. He's trying not to think about how awkward he feels, despite having known the other for so long. It still feels weird actually talking and doing things outside of school, and without Virgil's school uniform he feels like the other is silently judging his clothing choice. Especially for that particular day, who wears all black and long sleeves in the Summer anyways?

But Roman is smiling and laughing and he's playing upbeat songs from musicals and Disney movies and it feels familiar and nice and friendly. It feels like he's trying to make Virgil happy and calm, trying to get rid of all his anxiety, even though that's certainly not possible. It feels like he cares about Virgil and the thought makes his face tint pink and hands become even more sweaty. He tries to ignore it.

"I'm cheerful." He says, looking out the window, although his tone is quiet and sad, but to be fair his voice is always like that. He watches the fields and trees blur as they wind down the country road, dirt kicking up behind the tires. It's a picture-perfect day, the sun is shining and it's the end of May. Or maybe it's June first, Virgil didn't check the date that morning.

But it doesn't matter because the sun is bright and the sky is so blue and cloud-free, the trees tall and Roman is absolutely beaming as another song plays from the playlist of Broadway and Disney. He had called it The Perfect Car Music when he had first put it on, and Virgil was too busy smiling to disagree.

But Roman loudly sings along to the song, and Virgil doesn't recognize it, but it's very upbeat even though it mentions abuse and someone's sister dying and something about repressing your feelings. But Roman is singing with the biggest smile on his face and his big, brown eyes are sparkling and Virgil can't stop watching as he listens to this morbid song. He isn't even taking in the lyrics anymore, just watching as Roman, beautiful, lively Roman, is singing and having the time of his life while doing so.

He notices Virgil's staring as a singer says something about a friend from fifth grade. But Roman holds out his hand and it takes a moment for Virgil to realize what he's trying to do. Virgil holds his hand out too and Roman takes it.

Virgil tries to ignore how sweaty his hands are, how his bitten and short nails clash with Roman's perfectly manicured ones. Pale and tawny hands contrasting as Roman brings them down to rest on the center console.

They're holding hands. Virgil is holding hands with Roman, he's holding hands with his friend as they're driving down to the middle of nowhere and it feels weird having Roman's fingers intertwined with Virgil's own. It's weird because Roman looks so calm about it, having went back to singing, and Virgil is panicking about whatever it means. Did it mean anything? Or was Roman just being nice? Maybe this was just how Roman was when he got close to people. Patton did it after all, but Virgil never got like this when Patton did things like hug or hold Virgil. There was a sense of comfort, sure, but this? He feels like he's about to explode from how much the gesture is making a commotion in his stomach, but Roman is still just singing this weird song.

"Hey, you want ice cream?" Roman asks as a building comes into view. Virgil takes a moment to answer and decides to just shrug. "I didn't bring anything bu-"

"Nah, I'll pay." Roman reassures, already turning into the parking lot. The bump from dirt to concrete makes their still intertwined hands rise up for a moment and Roman squeezes Virgil's hand as he badly parks.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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