Festival (Prinxiety)

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Roommate au

{Third Person POV}

"C'mon, Vee, lighten up!" Roman told his boyfriend, taking a sip of his overly-sugared lemonade as he slung an arm around his shoulder.

"I didn't even want to come." Virgil told the other, turning to glare at him as the two continued walking around the town square.

"I still don't understand why." Roman said, turning to look at the boy.

"Because you've never been to one, rich boy." Virgil muttered, looking down at the ground.


"Look, these festivals suck, okay? There's too many people, way too long lines, and food that could give you diabetes just by looking at it." Virgil stated, Roman sighing.

"But it just looks so fun! I've never been to one of these anyways." Roman said before seeing a booth with an array of random things to buy.

"Oh my goodness look at those glasses!" He exclaimed, pointing over at a pair of hot pink sunglasses with light pink gemstones on the frames.

Virgil flinched at the sudden change of tone and elbowed the other's side, Roman wincing slightly. "Ow, that hurt."

"You're fine." Virgil said, pushing Roman's arm off of his shoulder. "Now can we please leave?"

"Well can I get a few things first?" Roman asked as the two began walking over to the booth where Roman seen the sunglasses.

"... Fine."

"Thank you, Vee!" Roman thanked the other, kissing his cheek.

Virgil flushed red and looked down as Roman happily took his hand and guided him completely to the booth.

"Do you want anything, Emo?"

Virgil looked up from the ground and at the table, seeing an array of sunglasses lines up neatly. He seen the ones Roman had pointed out, along with various other colors of the same kind.

He looked next to the sunglasses and seen a few beaded bracelets and baseball hats before he spoke. "I don't want anything."

"You sure? What about these colored glasses?" Roman picked up a pair of glasses, which went from violet to lavender, the metal frames fitting perfectly on his face.

"Oh you look so cute! I'm gonna get them for you." Roman said before turning to the woman behind the booth.

"Oh, no, that's fine." Virgil said, taking off the glasses.

"You sure?" Roman asked as he took out his wallet.

"Well... I like them, but you don't have to get them for me." Virgil told him. "Vee, I'll get them, it's fine." Roman said before turning to the woman again, paying for the two's glasses, along with a bright green pair of the kind Roman had for Remus, since he knew he would want some like his.

"Besides, it's not like I can't afford something, I have rich parents you silly."

"Mm-hm, and they spoil you rotten." Virgil said and Roman scoffed, rolling his eyes as he took the bag from the lady.

"They don't spoil me rotten." Roman said, pulling his sunglasses out of the bag, slipping them on.

"Yeah, sure they don't." Virgil said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"They don't." Roman stated turning and looking at him, Virgil immediately laughing at his boyfriend.

"Wow. Rude." Roman said once Virgil finished giggling, a small smile on his face.

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