Willow (prinxiety)

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TW: my crappy writing adorable fluff, and gayness

Human/high school au

This is based off a writing prompt I made.

{Third Person POV}

Virgil's mother smiled down at the sight of her son and his friend. She figured this day would happen.

Virgil and Roman are the best of friends, have been since birth. Their mom's are also best friends, which they all found ironic. They would play and play outside, mainly under the willow tree in Virgil's backyard.

Virgil loved it because it had a calming look to it, he loved to hang lights on it, Roman liked it because it reminded him of the vines on Tarzan, and because he loved to climb on it. Sometimes they even had little picnics under it, one time they camped under it, although Virgil did get pretty spooked when he thought he heard something. (Turned out to be a raccoon)

Roman had even helped Virgil carve his name into it, but he did cut his hand a little when he was done.

And tonight was their prom, well, sorta. It was really more of a early prom because of some field trip thing.

"It's my little boy's prom!" Virgil's mom gushed, adjusting his tie, "Are you going with a group of friends or do you have a date" he smirked, "Group of friends" "Is it that nice group that has Patton and them?" She asked, she could never remember the others names. "Yep" he said, "And don't worry, I'll be back by ten thirty, the latest will be eleven" he said, getting ready to walk out the door, "I wasn't worried" she said, sitting in her chair.

He walked out, going down the sidewalk and immediately turning around, Roman lived right next to him, which both of them and their mothers loved. He opened the door, Roman's mother always insisted he could just walk in, "Hey Princy!" He yelled, going up the stairs, "I'm coming in whether you like it or not!" He said before slamming the door open.

"Virgil!" He scolded, playfully punching him, "What? I warned you" he sighed, straightening his bowtie, "Fair. C'mon we better go" "Yeah, don't want the others getting too heated" he joked. Roman laughed, "I guess so" he said, walking downstairs with Virgil following behind, "Be good you two" his mom said before they walked out the door.

They arrived and Virgil grinned, "Guess we better keep everyone in order" he said, walking in. They defiantly stopped anything bad from happening.

When Janus and Remus were sneaking off they followed and gave them a "ticket" even when Remy gave Emile a peck on the cheek they went over and started giving a "lecture" and their favourite was putting a ruler between Logan and Patton while they danced, to which Logan hit Roman with it.

"That was pretty fun" Virgil said, walking with him through his yard, "Except getting hit with a ruler" he said, rubbing his head, "Well I wouldn't know" he laughed, sitting on the ground under the tree.

They sat there for a bit in silence, until Roman started snickering, "What's so funny?" "Logan used to hate any physical contact and then when I did the ruler thing he was so mad he hit me with a ruler because he didn't have physical contact" Virgil laughed, "Your such a dork" he said, pushing him. "Yeah, yeah" he said, sitting back up, "I know someone else that didn't like physical contact" "And is that me?" He asked, seeing Roman nod, "Yeah, you used to hate it when I hugged you"

"I remember" he muttered, leaning his head on his shoulder, "Your freezing" he whispered, grabbing his jacket, laying it over him, "Thanks" he said, hugging him closer.

They laid there, enjoying the others presence.

Hope you liked that! I personally love how it turned out, I really like the idea and the writing.



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