Sleepy (prinxiety)

448 7 4

TW: mentions of being drunk, my crappy writing, adorable fluff, and gayness

Human au

{Third Person POV}

"Your hair is so pretty" Virgil muttered, running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair, "Oh really? How is that?" He asked, turning around and facing him, "It's fluffy and soft, and really curly" "So the opposite of yours?" He asked, running his through Virgil's, "Yours is straight and kinda spiky" he hummed and smiled up at him, "You're really cute" Virgil said, looking up at him, "I am?" "Yeah, I don't know how I ever got to be with you" "I remember" he said, "Oh?" "Yeah, we were drunk and started making out"

Virgil laughed, "And then Patton told us to stop and go to bed" "Yeah, and then we went to your room and cuddled" he said, smiling at the memory, "Yep. I got so freaked out that we had sex I almost pushed you off the bed" "Despite us both being fully dressed and having conscious memory" Roman added, "And both Patton and Logan saying they didn't hear a thing"

"The only thing that was disheveled were our clothes" "Yeah, ya know, it's funny" "It is?" Virgil asked,"Yeah, you were scared we wouldn't work out, that we would break up and then everything would be awkward. Be one of those relationships that always act like they like each other for the others sake" "But we've been together for a year and a half, and I'm glad we decided to date" he finished.

"Yeah..." he murmured, his voice sounding more tired, "We should get to sleep" he hummed and grabbed their blanket, laying it over them, "Love you" "Love you more"

That was pretty good, kinda short though. I thought it was pretty cute and fluffy.



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