Stupid Feelings... pt. 5

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Highschool au

{Third Person POV}

"Okay... Well maybe something clićhe so in case it backfires we don't have to worry about wasting our time." Virgil suggested, "Okay... yeah, that's a good idea." Janus said as he took the cap off a marker and wrote down Virgil's idea.

"What should that clićhe be?" Virgil asked, everyone looking over at Roman, "I like how you all looked at me." He mumbled, "Well yeah, why wouldn't we?" "Good point. Now ideas.."

"Okay so if we're going for clićhe how about this: We say we're all gonna hang out but none of us go so it's just them." Virgil suggested, "Good idea." Janus told him, writing again, "Where should the "hang out" be?" He asked as he wrote, "The movies, duh." ""The movies, duh." that's what you sound like." Janus mocked, "God I hate you."

"Yeah me too." He finished writing and put the cap on his marker, "Okay, well we still need to make some plans."


"Hey Patt?" "Yeah Vee?" "Do you wanna come to the movies with me, Roman, Remus, Janus, and Logan?" "Yeah, sure! When?" "Um... tomorrow." "Okay, great. Hey, can Tyler come too?" "No! No, he can't come." "Okay... why?" "Because it's a friend hangout, only friends can come." "Oh, okay! See you then!" "See ya."

Patton hung up and went back to the sketch he was working on. It was the picture from his dream, he had already drawn him, the little girl, and the little boy, but he couldn't think about who the other man could be. He decided to draw Tyler, since they were currently dating.

"Hey, Logan." He hummed, not looking away from his laptop, "Wanna go to the movies with me, Virgil, Roman, Remus and Patton?" He asked from the doorway. "Is this that set up you were talking about?" Logan asked, looking up at Janus, "No, we're all going."

Logan thought about it, Janus didn't seem like he was lying and if everyone else was going to be there, he decided he would go. "Okay, fine. When is it?" "Tomorrow night." "Okay, I'll be there."

"Great!" Janus walked back to his room, getting his phone out.

Sneaky sneaky snek💛: did Patton say he's going?

On The Virge of Tears: yeah he said he's coming, what about Lo?

Sneaky sneaky snek💛: yep

On The Virge of Tears: good. So this is working our pretty well


"Alright, so we are going to the movies, we just won't get seen." Janus said as the four walked down the street, "So they should already be at the movies." Roman said, reading the time on his phone, "Well if they're on time, yes."

Remus scoffed, "Like Logan would be late for anything." "Exactly." Janus said, opening the doors to the movie theater.

I'm killing him. Logan thought as he watched the movie with Patton. How was he even dumb enough to fall for this? It was so obvious too.

He sighed, resting his head on his hand, which was propped up on the arm rest next to him. "Something wrong Lo?" Patton asked, looking away from the screen, "No, everything's fine." He told him.

"Are you sure? Something seems wrong." He shook his head, "Everything is fine." "Hm.. are you sure?" Logan turned, facing him and seeing that he genuinely looked concerned.

He gave a small smile, "I'm sure." Patton smiled back, "Okay, just makin' sure." He turned back to the movie, the other looking at the ground.

"Nothing's happening!" Janus whisper-shouted, "Yeah, we can see that." "Well they need to do something." "Yeah, besides this is getting boring." Virgil mumbled, "Yeah, it is."

Eventually the movie ended and everyone left, "Well there's no way that worked." Janus said as the two walked outside, feeling the wind hit them as soon as they did, "God, it's freezing." Virgil said, putting his hood over his head, "You're always cold." Roman told him, "Which is surprising."

"Why's that surprising?" Remus smirked, "Because your heart is cold." Virgil rolled his eyes, smacking the back of his head, "Shut up."

"Okay, well I'm going home." Janus told them, "Okay, see you later." Virgil said, waving goodbye, "See you."

"Wow, it's really cold out." Patton pointed out, pulling his jacket closer to him, trying to warm himself. "Yeah, it is." Logan agreed, nodding.

The two walked in silence, Patton humming to a song in his head as they did, which was really the only noise heard.

Eventually the two arrived at Patton's, "Bye Lo!" Patton waved excitedly, grinning, "Goodbye Patton." Logan said as he walked away, waving.

Janus sat at the table, scrolling through hemis phone when he heard the door open and shut. He sighed, putting his phone down as Logan walked in the kitchen, sitting across from him at the table.

"Janus, what were you thinking?" Logan asked, taking off his glasses and cleaning them, "Well I figured since you like Patton, I'd set you guys up." Logan sighed and Janus added quietly, "Guess it didn't work out.." Logan shook his head, "No, it didn't."

Patton sat on his bed, he was outlining the sketch he had worked on the day before and was trying to be careful as he did, not wanting to mess it up.

As he was he heard his phone ring and reached over, putting it on speaker.

"Patton?" He heard Tyler from the other side of the phone, "Yeah?" He asked, still focusing on outlining the hair of the little girl, "Can we talk?" "Yeah, of course."

"Good. So, you know how we're dating?" "Yeah, I know." "Well, I've been thinking, you seem really preoccupied and-" "Preoccupied? With what?" He heard him sigh on the other end before talking again.

"Like, it seems like you don't care for me, in a romantic way." "But I do." "Well it just- it doesn't feel like it to me." "It doesn't?" "No, it's just.. I don't know how to explain it. It's just, a gut feeling I guess, you know?"

He nodded, but then remembered Tyler could see him, "Yeah, I know what you mean." "And, maybe it's just me, but it seems like you actually like someone else." "Who?" "Well that's the thing Patton, I don't know."

"But neither do I.." He mumbled, not even sure if Tyler heard him. "Well, I'm sure you can ask someone to help you." He said, surprising Patton that he did hear him. "Yeah, I guess." "So friends?" Patton smiled to himself, "Yeah, friends."

1084 words

Okay, so the next part of 'Stupid Feelings...' should be soon. Either the next chapter or the one after it. And if you couldn't tell, I wrote this in very little time, so if it's  as good, sorry.



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