Pride (Both)

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College/roommate au

{Third Person POV}

Roman hummed happily as he decorated the cake he had made with frosting.

Rainbow frosting, obviously.

"Hey, Ro- What are you doing?" Virgil asked his boyfriend, noticing how both the kitchen and Roman was covered in rainbow.

Roman looked up at his boyfriend and smiled, "Isn't it great?! Pride is finally here!" He exclaimed.

"And your birthday month." Virgil pointed out as he walked over to him. "Oh, yeah, that too."

Roman may or may not have forgotten that.

"You're such an idiot." Virgil told him, leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Well I'm excited! It's pride! We get a whole month to be extra gay!"

"Okay, you need to calm down." Virgil told him.

"Would you say I need to,"

"Don't you dare!" Virgil warned and Roman grinned mischievously, "Be more chill?"

"I hate you." Virgil stated and Roman rolled his eyes, "Yeah, that's believable."

"Guys!" Patton then skidded into the room, a pride flag tied around his neck, much like a superhero wears a cape. "Me and Logan-"

"Logan and I." Logan corrected his excited boyfriend, walking in with a bag in his hand.

"Logan and I," Patton continued, "Found a whole bunch of rainbow stuff and it's all so pretty!" He exclaimed, "Lo, show them!"

Logan slid the bag across the table and to the other two boys, who curiously looked into said bag.

"Patton... why did you get an umbrella?" Virgil asks, pulling a small, rainbow umbrella out of the bag, "Well to be honest I kinda just grabbed anything I saw that was rainbow." Patton said sheepishly.

"Uh-huh.. also, did you go out like that?"

Patton stayed silent although Logan nodded and spoke, "He did. Despite me telling him to take it off in case of something."

"That's amazing." Roman said and Virgil glared over at him, "You are not going out like that. At least with me." He muttered the last part and Roman dramatically sighed, "Oh, fine! I guess I just won't have any fun."

"Oh, shut up."

"Anywho, Lo and I have to go decorate." Patton told the two, taking the bag, which also contained rainbow themed party decorations and turning to his boyfriend. "C'mon, Lo!"

Patton skipped out the room and Logan smiled, following his beloved boyfriend to the living room to decorate, since Roman had only decorated the kitchen since he had gotten distracted with the idea of baking a rainbow cake.

The two walked into the living room and Patton pulled his boyfriend in for a short kiss.

When the two pulled away Patton grinned adorably at him, Logan smiling back at him. "Okay, we should get started." He said and Logan nodded in agreement, "Yes, we should."

The two began and after a few mistakes with staples and tape, they managed to set the party decor perfectly.

Or as perfect as it could get.

The banner wasn't going straight across like to was meant too, but that's fine, nothing needs to be straight for this celebration.

"Ooh! It looks fantastic!" Patton gushed from next to Logan, "It does." Logan said with a nod of agreement.

The two then heard a knock but before they could answer the door opened, revealing Remus and Janus, both dressed in head to toe rainbow.

"Roman!" Remus shouted for his brother, running up to where the kitchen was, almost tripping in the process.

Janus rolled his eyes but turned to Patton and Logan, "Hello," he greeted the two and Patton waved excitedly while Logan said hello back.

"So.. are we going to discuss why cereal is a soup today, or no?" Janus asked with a smirk towards Logan, who rolled his eyes. "No, Janus, we are not."

"That's too bad, it would've been fun to watch you be wrong." He said as he went to where his boyfriend was.

"Cereal cannot be a soup." Logan muttered and Patton smiled over at him, "It's okay, Lo." He reassured and Logan couldn't help but smile over at him.

Just then Remus and Janus walked back into the room, Virgil and Roman following behind, Roman holding the now decorated cake in his hand.

"We're celebrating!" Remus exclaimed, opening his arms out and almost knocking Logan's glasses off his face.

"What exactly, are we celebrating?" Logan asked, readjusting his glasses.

"Gayness." Remus and Roman said in unison as Janus lit the candle on the cake.

"I should've seen that response coming."

810 words

It's finally pride month!

Sure, I can't really celebrate it, because, y'know... well, I'm not gonna say it.

But I'm still excited!

Also, "In The Heights" is gonna be on HBO Max soon and I'm so excited!! I can celebrate that way!

So, yeah, I'm really fricking happy because it's pride and the "In The Heights" thing.



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