I Don't Sleep (prinxiety)

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College au

{Third Person POV}

"Hey Vee!" Roman greeted his friend from the other side of the phone, "Hey Princey." "So I had this weird dream last night, wanna hear it?" "Yeah, sure."

"So I was at the store, when for some reason, my teeth felt really loose," "Uh-huh.." "so I go to check what's wrong when one of my teeth fall out." "Was there blood?" "No, that was the weird thing, there wasn't any blood, but they still felt loose. Next thing I knew all my teeth were falling out." "Gross." "I know, right?"

They talked a while longer, "Okay, I need to sleep now, it's eleven." Virgil glanced at the clock, he hadn't even noticed, "Yeah, I probably should too." They said their goodbyes before hanging up.

He just noticed how tired he actually was before laying down and going to sleep.


Virgil woke up to someone shaking him gently, "What?" He asked, yawning and sitting up, seeing Roman smiling at him, "I wanted you to get up!" "Why?" He sat next to him, side hugging him, "'Cause I wanted to spend time with you." "That's so cheesy."

He scoffed, "Yeah, yeah." He leaned over and kissed the tip of his nose, "Is that a better reason?" "Hm.. I guess so." He pecked his lips, "See? Just do that."


Virgil woke up to the sun shining brightly in his face. He woke up, rubbing his eyes and sighing, this is why he didn't like sleeping, his dreams were always about Roman.

He. Hated. It.

He went to the bathroom and came back to his phone ringing, and hurriedly picked it up.

"Hey Vee! So, weirdest thing, y'know the dream I had last night?" "Yeah, you told me just yesterday." "Well guess what?" "What?" "I had it again, weird isn't it?" "Yeah, it is." "Anyways. Did you have any dreams last night?" Virgil thought back to dream Roman before answering.

"No, no dreams."

"Really?" "Yeah. That or I don't remember." "That's odd." "Yeah, I guess so."

That night

Virgil yawned, it was midnight but he didn't want to go to sleep, he would dream about Roman again and he didn't want that to happen, not if he couldn't actually be with him.

"Vee, can you please go to sleep?" Patton asked from the other side of the phone, "But I'll dream about him again!" "But sleep is important, and you can try lucid dreaming." "Yeah, sleep is pretty important." "Exactly! Now get to sleep." "You get to sleep too." "I will. Good night." "'Night."

He hung up and yawned again, he was exhausted, despite not doing much that day. He laid on his stomach and shut his eyes, and soon later was peacfully sleeping.


He blinked, opening his eyes and seeing he was sitting on a couch, watching Meet The Robinsons. He then felt someone sit next to him, and turned, seeing Roman sitting next to him, "Hello Dear." He greeted, kissing the top of his head, "Hey." Roman smiled at him, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him close.

"How was your day?" Roman asked, petting his hair, "Good I guess. How was yours?" "Good. But it's better now." Virgil laughed softly, "You're a dork."

"And you're adorable." He told him, kissing his forehead, "Yeah, whatever." "It's true." This time he kissed his lips gently, and Virgil kissed him back.


Virgil suddenly sat up, eyes glossy, he can't deal with these dreams. He grabbed his phone and checked the time, seeing it was eight in the morning and he had a text from Roman.

Princey: Good morning Vee!

On The Virge of Tears: morning

Princey: so you'll never believe this

On The Virge of Tears: what?

Princey: I had the same dream!

Princey: It's honestly getting annoying

On The Virge of Tears: That must suck

On The Virge of Tears: I've been having annoying dreams too

Princey: really? What are they?

In his sleepy state Virgil typed in this:

On The Virge of Tears: Theyre about us dating

Princey: really? Why is that annoying?

Virgil, still in his sleepy state, typed this:

On The Virge of Tears: cus I know you dont like me back

Princey: yeah I do

Virgil wasn't so tired anymore.

On The Virge of Tears: wait, what?

Princey: I like you too

On The Virge of Tears: really?

Princey: yep!

Virgil felt himself smile, okay, he liked the dreams a little better now.

742 words

I'm working on pt. 4 of stupid feelings, I promise.

But above is my new favourite song and I thought it would work well for a oneshot.



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