Logicality (Not Finished)

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Pretty sure you can guess what ship this is about.

This is based off an episode of Pinky and the Brain titled Brinky and I literally love it.

Also, his name is Roman and that's just too perfect for sander sides I love it so much.

Scientist au

{Third Person POV}

Logan stood, amazed by the metal pods that stood in front of him to help with that night's plan for world domination.

The world was being dumb, it was his job to fix it, who else is going to?

Patton then wandered over, arms behind his back as he did.

He noticed the tall, metal closet-type (Well he thought they looked like closets.) thing in front of Logan and gasped, "Logan, are you going back in the closet? You know you're accepted, right?"

Logan, completely shocked, turned to his partner. "Patton, these aren't closets."

"Sure looks like some." Patton pointed out.

Logan turned back to the machine and Patton was correct, it did, in someway, look like two closets.

"I suppose so, yes." He said before shaking his head no, "But no, Patton, that's not what we're doing tonight."

"Well what're we gonna do tonight, Lo?" Patton asked, taking a stick of gum from one of his many lab coat pockets.

"The same thing we do every night, Patton." Logan began, "Try to take over the world."

"That's getting kinda boring, dontcha think?" Patton asked, voice sounding slightly muffled by the gum.

"No Patton, I don't think that." Logan stated, "And how many times have I told you to stop chewing gum in the lab?"

"I dunno Lo, how many?" Patton asked, looking over at him.

".... Not important." He said, turning to the computer on the desk next to him, "Anyway, this plan has to do with something mankind has been trying to figure out for centuries."

"Whether cereal is a soup or not?"

Logan sighed and shook his head, "No, Patton. Cloning, the replication of a complex individual organism from a single cell." Patton made an "Ohh" noise before popping another sick of gum in his mouth, "A cell from a tissue sample I took from a secret location sha-"

"Found it!" Patton squealed, pulling the sleeve of Logan's lab coat down and showing off the dark blue band-aid on his arm.

"Were you even listening?" Logan asked, shooing Patton's hands away. "Yeah, you were talking about cloning and stuff." Patton responded.

Logan was grateful he had a partner who actually listened to him.

"Correct. Now, with these multiphasic transrepliconator pods, not closets, I shall create a single clone in my own image. After a modicum of study I will take a new sample from the prototype and make two more clones."

"Then they'll make two clones, then they'll make two clones, then they'll make two clones, and so on, and so on, and- Well, you get it." Patton nodded in understanding and Logan continued with explaining his plan.

"Think of it Patton, thousands of me all working toward the same goal!"

"A one-man show?" Patton joked.

Logan rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Thousands of me working to take over the world." He specified and Patton grinned, "I know that, Lo."

"I know you know, Patton. Now, I must begin my work if I want to make any progress."

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