Tutor (logicality)

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TW: my crappy writing and gayness

I seem to get more ideas while doing School work, but here ya go.

{Third Person POV}

Patton tried not to show his face, he didn't want to seem weak, "What did you do to fail this test?!" His mother yelled, she was talking about him getting a C- on a science test. "I didn't do anything," he said quietly, not wanting to sound "disrespectful," his mother rolled her eyes. "That's pretty obvious, did you study at all?" "You saw me" "No I didn't! Don't lie to me!"

She shouted, putting the paper on the table, "I'm getting you a tutor" she said, collapsing in the chair, "Okay... Do you need anything else?" He asked quietly, she shook her head no and he went upstairs.

Patton laid in bed and heard his door open, "Honey?" He sat up, "Yes?" "Do you want to watch a movie with us?" He shook his head "What? Why not!" She was ready to say how "He never spends time with them" "I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna go to sleep" she smiled, "Okay, sleep well" he smiled weakly back and laid down. He turned off the light and went to sleep, crying a little.


Logan woke up and went to his bathroom, he took a shower, got dressed, "Logan! Breakfast is ready!" He heard his mother shout from downstairs, "I'm coming!" He walked down the stairs and seen his mom, his mother, his brothers, one of his brother's boyfriend, and his little sister.

"Good morning nerd" he heard his brother, Virgil say, "And Good morning to you, nuisance" he said, sitting by their mother, "Your mom's a nuisance" "Hey!" Their mom said, smacking the top of his head, "I wanted to be called mother, but no" she glared at her wife as she handed Logan a plate.

"Good morning" Janus said to Logan, who smiled, "That's how you greet someone Virgil" he said, "Now it isn't" Virgil said, smirking. "Falsehood!" He said, standing up and making his siblings, moms and Remus, (Janus' boyfriend) go deaf. "Sit your ass down" his mother said, getting him to sit down, "Lily are you okay?" She asked his younger sister, who nodded her head yes.


"I better hurry," Patton said, rushing through the halls to get to the library. He was going to meet his tutor today and he wanted to make sure he wasn't late, "Pat?" Patton turned around and saw two of his friends, Virgil and Roman, "Hi guys, do you need something?" Roman shook his head, "We were just wondering where your going" Virgil said, "Oh, I have a tutor so I'm going to meet them" he said, hurrying off and leaving them there.

Logan walked down the hall, books in his hands, "So someone chose you to be their tutor?" Remus asked, following him and Janus, "Yes, why is that so hard to believe?" "It's not" Janus said "Well, maybe it's tutoring or maybe it's-" Janus cut him off, "You think he's capable of something like that?"

"I'm still here" Logan said, opening the library door and walking in, the other two following behind. "Do you guys need something?" "Yes" Janus lied, Logan sighed, walking to a table.

He walked over to one and sat down, waiting for the other to show up, "Hi, are you Logan?" Logan looked up and saw quite possibly the most beautiful boy he's ever seen.

He had light, sandy brown hair with big, light blue eyes, he had silver rimmed glasses framing his slightly round face, and freckles that seemed to cover his entire body, at the thought of that Logan got a bit red.

"Hello?" Logan snapped out if his daydream, "Oh, sorry. Yes I'm Logan, I presume you are Patton?" Patton nodded, "Are you ready to work then?" He asked as Patton sat down, "Yeah, sure" "Okay, let's work on some science, now, how are you doing in that class?"

Patton shrugged, "Good I guess, my mom wanted me to have a tutor because of a test score" "What was the test score?" Logan asked, expecting it to be a F or D.

"C minus" Patton said, "What?!" Logan said, surprised, "That's a normal grade for my brothers" Patton chuckled weakly, "Not to my mom" "I- okay..." Logan sighed, getting out a book, "Let's get started"


"Thank you so much!" Patton said, grabbing his things and standing up "Well I didn't really teach you much but your welcome" Patton giggled, "Really, thank you. Can I repay you?" he asked, he was starting to like Logan.

He smirked, "Can we spend time together sometime?" Patton smiled, "Only if I get an A on the next test" he said, turning and walking away.

Logan grinned and started gathering his own things, "How'd you do that?" Logan turned around and saw Remus and Janus, "Do what?" Janus smirked, "Get a boyfriend" Logan rolled his eyes, "I didn't get a boyfriend"

"Oh right, only if he gets an A, like your not gonna fuck him before then" Remus said, causing Logan to turn and alarming shade of red, "Janus tell your horny boyfriend to shut up" he muttered.

Patton skipped up the steps leading to the door and happily walked in, "What's got you so happy?" His sister asked from the table. He sat down, "I met someone" Peyton smirked, "What's his name?" "His name is Logan" "Looks" she said, handing him an apple, "He has black hair, and dark blue eyes, he has black framed glasses and a slender figure"

"Wow, drooling much?" She said, poking him.

"Drooling over who?" Their mother asked, walking into the kitchen, "Patton's crush" "Really? What's her name?" She asked, sitting in between them.

"Her name is Astrid, she's in our grade" Peyton said, talking about her girlfriend. "Really? What does she look like?" "You'll see" Patton said, "In fact, why don't we have her come for dinner on Friday? And Peyton can bring her crush, Logan"

Their mother beamed, "I'd love for them to, they can spend the night if they would like!" The two gave each other a look, "That would be fantastic"


"Good job on your test honey" she said, looking over it, "Much better than last time" "Thank you" he said, smiling, "Now, go get dressed for when Logan and Astrid get here" "Okay" Patton said, walking upstairs.

He walked back downstairs and saw Logan, Peyton, Astrid, and his mother. "There you are" his mother said, "Now I've been thinking, and Logan over here," she gestured toward him, "helped me with it. So, we're all going to have dinner together and then me and your father will go on our own date night"

Patton smiled, "Well, thank you Logan" he said, looking him in the eye, developing more of a crush on him, "Now, let's go eat" she said, walking to the kitchen, "Yep! Let's go!"

"Well we better get going" Patton and Peyton's mom said, "Remember, nothing bad" Patton smirked a little, "Promise" his sister lied, "Okay, remember, we'll be back by morning" They nodded and the two left, "Finally, no offense but I do not like her" Logan said when they finally left.

"Your not being rude if it's true" Peyton said, "Yes, yes, now, come with me" Patton said. Peyton and Astrid smirked as Patton dragged Logan up the stairs.

"Now that we're alone," Patton pinned him against the wall and kissed him sweetly, "We can do things" Logan smirked, "Well, let's do it"

I don't know what this was. I was bored and started writing, I might make a smut chapter for this.



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