The dark (prinxiety)

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TW: my crappy writing and gayness

Roman is scared of the dark. Everyone knows that, and it's absolute hell when the power goes out.

{Third Person POV}

It was storming out. Patton and Logan were cuddling on the couch and watching Big Hero 6 in their onesies, Virgil was listening to music and drawing at the kitchen table, and Roman was upstairs in his room sewing his sash back on, since Remus tore it off when he did a random trust fall.

Logan and Patton were now asleep and Roman was almost done sewing his sash back on. Then the lights went out and Roman let out the loudest scream, "Oh god..." Virgil muttered, turning his phone's flashlight on and going upstairs, "Come here" he said, standing in the doorway and stretching his arms out.

Immediately he felt something tackle him down in a hug, "God Roman you didn't need to tackle me" "Sorry..." He said, his voice muffled. Virgil sighed, wrapping his arms around him, "It's fine" "Can we go to your room?" "Yeah I guess" Virgil then teleported them to his room and on the bed.

They laid on the bed, "Can we talk until I fall asleep?" Roman whispered, "Sure. What do you want to talk about?" "What was your chow, pow, wow?" "My what?" Roman let out a small laugh, "Chow is the best thing you ate, pow is the worst part about your day, and wow is the best" he explained.

"Oh. Well my chow was pizza, pow was waking up, and wow was...." He trailed off, "I'm not sure. What was yours?" "My chow was pancakes, my pow is the lights going out, my wow is... now" he said, hugging him closer "Oh really?" "Yes..." "And why is that?" Virgil asked, "Because your warm" he said, snuggling into his neck.

"Virgil?" Virgil sat up, causing Roman to fall onto the bed, "Yeah Pat?" "Just wanted to make sure your okay. I called and they said the lights should be back on soon" he said, leaning against the door frame, "Okay, anything else?" "Yeah actually. Do you know where Roman is?"

"I'm right here!" He said, standing on the bed and getting pulled back down by Virgil, "Okay kiddo, me and Logan are gonna go back to sleep, you should too" "We'll try" Virgil said, laying back down on the bed. "Alright, goodnight kiddos" "Goodnight Pat" the two said, laying back down.

"Adorable..." Patton whispered, walking out the door "We're not adorable!" Virgil yelled "Yes you are!" Patton said back. "No we're no-" Virgil got cut off by Roman shushing him, "Let's just go to sleep, okay?" "Okay"

The two then fell asleep, Roman on top of Virgil.

Roman suddenly woke up, it was around 4 am and the sun was about to come up, "Virgil? Virgil where are you?!" He said, panicking, "Roman, I'm right here" Virgil said, standing by the bed, "Where? I don't see you!" "I'm standing by the bed" "Oh... Sorry for panicking" he said, feeling Virgil hug him, "It's alright" he said, kissing the top of his head.

Roman froze, "Did you just..?" "Um... yes" Virgil said, hiding his face, "Could you do it again?" He smiled, kissing his forehead, "How's that?" "One more" Virgil then kissed his lips, feeling Roman kiss back. "The lights are on!" Patton yelled, turning the light on, seeing Virgil and Roman kissing on his bed, "See? You two are adorable" he said, smiling at how they pulled away.

"Well- You and Logan are cuter!" Virgil said, stuttering, "Well we're dating" Patton said, walking out the door, "Also, breakfast will be ready soon"

"Speaking of dating" Roman said, "Are we dating now?" Virgil smiled, "Of course"

Roman now likes the dark a little more.

Hope you likes that! Sorry if it was short, I just started writing when the idea came to me. Ironically while I was writing this the lights went out, so that was pretty weird.



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