Thunder (prinxiety)

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TW: my crappy writing adorable fluff and gayness

Kid/High school au

As said in the logicality version I'll make a prinxiety one so... here it is.

{Third Person POV}

"And so the baby went up the stairs and seen the ghost with the black eye" eight year old Virgil said ominously, "'I am the ghost with the one black eye!' The ghost said, 'Yeah, well I have a full diaper pal!' The baby said" Roman burst out laughing, "Where did you hear that?" He asked, attempting to calm down.

"Patton told me it" "Who's that?" Roman asked, tilting his head, "It's your brother's friend" Roman thought for a second, "Oh yeah! I forgot" Virgil giggled, "Your silly" Roman laughed, "Yeah. Anywho, what should we do now?" "We should see if their done making those cookies" "Good idea!" He got up and jumped off the bed, Virgil following close behind.

"Lo! Are the cookies done?" He ran down the hall and into the kitchen, seeing Patton sitting on the counter with Logan's arms around him, "Quit hugging! Are the cookies done?" He asked, wriggling between them. Patton laughed, "I just took them out" he pointed over to the tray on the table, "I put them in front of the fan too"

The two ran to the table, quickly putting the cookies on a plate, "Thanks for the cookies!" Roman said quickly, running back down the hall, "Didn't you leave any for them?" Virgil asked as they enter Roman's room again, "Of course I did"

"He left one cookie" Logan said, looking back at the tray, "It's fine, those were the oatmeal rasin ones, the chocolate chip ones are still in the oven"

The two soon figured out those were not chocolate chip cookies.

"Hey kiddos" Patton said, entering the room, "Did you bring the real cookies?" Virgil interrogated, "Yes I brought them, and some milk" he set down a plate and two glasses, "Where are the other ones?" "We ate them" Roman said, taking the plate. "But you don't like those kind..?" "We were hungry" Virgil said simply, Patton sighed, "Fair"

He walked out the door and back to his boyfriend.

"We should go outside" Roman said when they finished, "We can't, it's raining" "How bad?" "Lemme look" he stood and looked out his window, "It's really bad, there's even lightning" "Is there thunder?" "I don't think so"

Later in the night Virgil felt his friend sit up, "Virgil? Are you up?" He whispered, he sat up, "Yeah, what is it?" "The thunder woke me up, it was loud...." "That's okay, do you wanna talk?" He nodded, "Okay..."

They sat there, listening to the rain until there was another crack on lightning, thunder following close behind. "Patton told me that every time thunder strikes it's angels bowling" he looked up, "Really?" He nodded, "Yeah, and the lightning is them making a cake for the winning team" "That's cool! Did Logan agree?" Virgil shook his head, "He said that the bowling balls would fall on us if that was true"

Roman laugh silently, "What did Patton do?" "He smacked him, but only a little, he kissed his cheek after" "Yeah, their silly" he nodded, they heard another crackle of thunder, scaring young Roman. "It's okay Ro" he smiled, "Thanks Vee"

"No problem, you can be brave" he gave a small smile, "Yeah, I can be brave" He listened for the thunder again, "I guess it stopped"


"Okay, we need to figure this project out" now sixteen year old Roman said, feeling his friend shift on his bed, "Can't we do it tomorrow?" He thought, "It would be a huge mistake, but I'll just add it to the list" Virgil laughed, "Make sure to organize said list, or Logan will" "Yeah, wouldn't want that"

They went to sleep soon after, since it was around eleven and Virgil was actually tired for once.

Soon later he felt his friend shifting around and heard his breathing start to quicken slightly. "Ro?" He sat up, scaring the other a little, "Hey Vee" "Did the thunder scare you?" He laughed softly, "Yeah, kinda weird huh?" "How's that?" "I'm still scared of thunder"

"That's perfectly fine" he said, wrapping an arm around him, "I'm still scared of Remus" Roman laughed, "Well that's just common sense" "Yeah, I guess" "But you tried to calm me down, so that's nice of you" "Well of course, your my best friend"

Virgil laid back down, feeling his friend do the same, "Do you need help going back to sleep?" "Yeah.." Virgil held his arms out, to which the other went and embraced him. He listened to his heartbeat, causing a calming trance, to which he was soon asleep.

This was going to be an interesting conversation for both in the morning, but right now they didn't care.

Okay, I absolutely loved that. It was adorable and I loved the idea.



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