Heartbeat (logicality)

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TW: my crappy writing adorable fluff and gayness

Human/kid au

{Third Person POV}

Seven year old Patton went through his mom's box of memories, "What're you looking for?" Logan asked, peering into the box, "I'm looking for that thing that listens to your heart" "A scepticale?" "I think that's what it's called" he grabbed a stethoscope, "Here it is!" He put the ear parts on, "Now I can listen to your heart!" He said, putting the metal up to his chest.

"Is it still beating?" Patton nodded, "Good, because if it wasn't I would be dead" "Yeah, and that wouldn't be good, because then you'd have to go in the ground" "I would?" He nodded, "My hamster had to after he died" "I didn't know that"

Later on Logan started to not really embrace his feelings. While Patton happily did he would always feel odd when his emotions got the best of him, and he started to notice those feelings were always around Patton. Sometimes when they were all together, but it got worse when they were alone.

"Hey Lo!" Patton said, grabbing a box, "I found our old toys" Logan looked into the box, "Why is there a stethoscope?" Patton looked, "I'm not sure, but there's a notebook" he grabbed it,


Lo's heart is beating really good. It was kinda fast, but I think it's supposed to do that, to make sure he's alive.

Ps, make sure to tell mom about it

Patton laughed, "It's from when we played doctor" he flipped through it, "It stops when we turned nine" he read it,


LoLo is obviously still alive. His heartbeat sped up when we got really close though. Mom said that only happens when you like someone, or if you've been running recently. That's probably what it was, there's no way he likes me back.

Ps, make sure to do the dishes

He smiled, "What does it say?" "Same old, same old" he said, setting it down, "Do you want me to listen to your heart?" "Um... sure" Patton took the metal and put it against his chest. "Your heartbeat is kinda fast" "It is?" "Yeah, hang on, let me get closer" he got closer, hearing his heart quicken, "Hm... let me try something" "Um... okay"

He kissed his cheek, "Hm.. yeah, your heartbeat quickened. Only one solution for that" "Really? Um, what is that?" "Cuddles, only solution, or else you'll have a kiss attack" "Really?" He nodded, "Very serious" he laughed, "Well I guess I'll just have a kiss attack" "Sir, are you sure? It will make you very unhealthy" he said, trying to be as serious as possible.

"Yes, I'm sure" Patton shrugged, "Your choice" he kissed his forehead, then his nose, both his cheeks and finally his lips. "It seems I've suffered a kiss attack" Patton smirked, "It seems you have"

Okay, I really liked that one. I've updated a lot on this one huh? But I guess that's good.



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