First Kiss (logicality)

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TW: okay, kinda-sorta mentions of sexual harassment (actually, it's Logan talking about sexual harassment in a book)

Idk if I made a first kiss thing for logicality but I don't wanna check.

But I don't think I did.


High school au

{Logan's POV}

Patton and I walked through the halls of our school to the library, since we both needed to get certain books.

I personally needed a copy of the textbook my Spanish teacher handed out, but someone had somehow managed to open my locker and take it.

I know that because I never lose anything.

That, and the cameras in the halls, those helped too.

So for now I'm using the library's copy.

I had asked Roman if I could use his, considering he's Hispanic and already speaks fluent Spanish so he doesn't even need to take the class, but he said no. (He had said he only took the class because he didn't want to think about what he's doing, aka, he didn't want to do anything.)

I'd say it's because he doesn't like me.

Patton, if I remember correctly, needs to find a book to write about for an upcoming essay our English teacher assigned for us.

I had already finished mine actually, it was about the book Maybe He Just Likes You. It's about a seventh grade girl going through sexual harassment, only to be told that it's "normal" and "not a big deal" by adults and so-called friends.

While I know it's aimed more for middle schoolers, I'm sure mainly girls, so they know the differences between crushes, aka, genuinely caring for someone, and sexual harassment, aka, an illegal act, I still love how brave the author was to write something like that.

Well actually, I'd say it's not bravery, it's really more of awareness.

Point is, it was an amazing book.

As I was thinking I felt something was off.

I looked around the hall, seeing the usual white walls and bright red lockers, numbers above them so people knew which was which, and even some with stickers or post-it notes with writing on them.

I seen the bulliten board with sign-up sheets for after-school plays (And in this school, if a boy signs up, he's considered gay. Well, was. Remus had screamed at someone when Roman signed up for the Spring musical,  and while he is gay, they really shouldn't assume), basketball, and any other extracurricular activities for students to participate in.

I looked over at Patton, who still had his eyes shut happily, which probably wasn't the best idea, but it seemed like something was different.

Is it me?

I looked Patton up and down first, and noticed his hand was holding my own.

My goodness, how did I not notice that?

Patton started humming and I looked away from him, trying to calm my thoughts.

It felt like all my thoughts were a blur as I felt Patton hold my hand in his.

This had been happening a lot. Not the thoughts thing though, I've been thinking just fine, thank you very much.

Okay, that's a falsehood.

On certain occasions Patton and I would.. what's the word?

Cuddle! That's it!

And when we would it would be oddly... comforting.

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