Reflexes (Prinxiety)

115 2 0

TW: slight blood

Human au

{Third Person POV}

Virgil sat on his and his husband's bed, curled up in the blankets with his headphones on as he listened to the blasting music on the other side.

Roman had just gotten out of the shower and thought it was a brilliant idea to sneak up on his husband and hug him.

Yes, Roman decided to surprise the most anxious person he's ever met and thought it was actually a good idea.

So Roman carefully tip toed over, trying not take noise despite the fact Virgil was wearing headphones and probably wouldn't have heard a gunshot go off right next to him. But we all know that Roman isn't exactly the smartest.

Eventually he was standing behind Virgil, who was still on the edge of the bed listening to music.

Roman then hugged Virgil from behind and instead of Virgil embracing him back, his reflexes took over and he punched Roman in the face.



"Are you okay?!" Virgil asked, slipping his headphones off and looking down at his husband, who was laying on his back and on the floor, blood dripping from his nose.

"Holy crap, that was so cool." Roman said as he sat up, "Where'd you learn that?"

Virgil stared at the other, speechless.

"Remus." He answered as Roman stood up, hand covering his nose so blood wouldn't get everywhere.

"He's never showed me how to do that."

304 words

Hi, hello, I'd just like to say how I hate that L is dead and I will never get over his death because I love him too much.

Yes I've been watching Deathnote recently.

Also, there's a Deathnote musical I learned about just a few minutes ago that I'm going to listen to all day tomorrow.



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