Wedding (logicality)

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I'll probably make the proposal.

TW: my crappy writing and gayness

{Third Person POV}

Patton was nervous. Like, very nervous. "Daddy?" Patton turned around and seen his son, James, "Yes James?" "Are you sure your gonna be happy with Logan?" Patton smiled, "I'm sure, it won't be like me and mommy" "And you will love him forever an' ever?" "Yes, I'll love him forever and ever" "Okay! Do you need help with your dress?"

Patton smiled, "I'd love for you to help with the ribbon," he said, crouching down and letting him put it in a bow. He stood back up and looked at himself in the mirror, he was wearing a light blue ball gown wedding dress, with ribbon wrapping around his neck like a necklace, "Now, I have one more favour. Will you tell Logan that I love him?" James nodded and left the room, going into Logan's dressing room.

"And you promise not to break his heart?" Logan's daughter asked, adjusting her bowtie "I promise" he said, adjusting his own tie, "Good, because even if you are my dad I'll still be mad" "Minerva" he said, using her real name, "If I broke Patton's heart I would be mad at myself"

James ran into the room, "Logan!" Logan turned around, "Daddy wanted me to tell you that he loves you," he said, getting picked up by his soon-to-be step sister. Logan smiled, "I love him too" "Okay, well we better go. See ya later" Minerva said, walking out the door, Logan smiled to himself, hoping that he would enjoy being married.

Logan had never been married, unlike Patton, who had been married to a woman. He adopted Minerva, or Minnie, when she was one, he dated, but not that often. He had finished getting ready and went to his spot, waiting for Minnie, James, and Dylan to go down the aisle. James and Dylan were the flower boys, and Minnie was Patton's maid of honour while James was also Logan's best man.

He heard the music start and turned around, seeing James and Dylan throwing the flower petals, they all laughed when James started to give them to people. Soon Minnie walked down with her skirt flowing behind her, she was wearing a combination of a suit and a dress with a bouquet of light blue and dark blue flowers.

She got to her spot and stood, they heard the classic wedding march play. Everybody turned around and seen Patton, going down the aisle with Virgil, even if they are the same age, Virgil agreed to since Patton did with him. He got to the end and Virgil let go, "You better not leave him" he said to Logan and left, going back to his seat, "Hi honey" he whispered, "Hi" Patton said, waving a little.

I only know so much about weddings so we're gonna go gay to the vows.

"And now the vows" Patton smiled, "Where do I start?" He took a breath, "I love you, I love you so much. Your amazing, and I can't wait to be married to you, I cant wait to see the kids grow up together and see what life has in store for us and..." He pulled out a piece of paper.

"Here's this cute poem" Logan smiled, "The most beautiful sound in the world to me is not forest birdsong or the babbling brook or even the ringing of church bells. It's hearing you whisper, 'I love you' over and over again"

"Well, I guess we are too much alike because I got a poem too" Logan said, taking out a piece of paper, "It's short but I really like it. My soul thinks your soul is just pure magic" Patton grinned happily, "Your amazing, I want to grow old with you and watch James grow and see Minnie go off to college with you. I want to have those Friday movie nights with you and Saturday karaoke and Sunday church. I want to surprise you with kisses and give you all the love I can, I want to cuddle with you and just love you in general."

"Now, the rings," Roman pulled out the rings and gave one to Logan, who put it on Patton's finger. Patton did the same with Logan, "I now pronounce you married, you may kiss" Patton pulled Logan into a kiss as everyone around them clapped.

When they pulled away Logan was flushed, "Better get used to that" Patton said, pulling him in for another.


"I love you" Logan whispered as they danced, "I love you more" Patton said, "I love you the most" Patton smiled, "I love you more than coconut cream pie" "Okay, you win" Logan said, kissing his head.

They lived happily and adopted another kid, her name is Isabella. Minerva grew and started to run her own business, meeting her husband when he came in one day. Now here they are, at Minerva's wedding.

Logan led his daughter down the aisle and gave her to her soon-to-be-husband Isaac, "Be nice to her" he whispered, going back to his seat next to Patton, "Are you crying?" Logan asked his husband, who nodded, "Me too" he said, resting his head on his shoulder.

"Do you take this woman to be your bride?" Isaac smiled, "I do" "And Do you take this man to be your husband?" Minerva smiled at her husband, "I do"

They kissed and were now married, happy as ever.

James went off to college with his best friend Dylan. They got the same job and got a shared apartment. You can imagine what happened after.

Patton walked with his son and let him go off with Dylan, "Behave yourselves" he said, smiling at the two and sitting down with Logan. "I'm so happy for them" Patton said when he sat down, "I always thought it was obvious they would get together" Patton laughed, "You had a reason"

Soon it was over and another one of their children were married.

Isabella became a microbiologist and met her wife at the local flower shop when she needed flowers for her dads anniversary.

This time both Logan and Patton went down the aisle with her, she was grinning from ear to ear when she got to her wife, "Our daughter is getting married" Patton said, "They all grew up on us huh?" Logan smiled, remembering their vows, "We've been together all these years, Minnie got married, James got married, and Isabella is getting married and I still love you"

Patton kissed him, "I love you more" "I love you most" Logan said back, kissing his head

"I love you more than coconut cream pie"

Hope you likes that, sorry if it took so long, I ran out of ideas and school is a bitch.



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