Cuddles (Prinxiety)

152 3 3

Human/Roommate au

{Third Person POV}

Roman was currently sleeping, curled up in his blankets, hair (for once) a total mess, falling in front of his face and curling just right to show his shut eyes.

As he was sleeping Virgil was half-awake and almost tripping over small items as he made his way to Roman's room.

So when he arrived Roman woke up to his boyfriend lightly slapping him awake.

"What is it, Vee? It's literally the middle of the ni-"


Roman stopped talking and smiled, scooting over so Virgil could lay next to him. Virgil laid next to him and immediately nuzzled into his shirt.

"You smell like strawberries and love." Virgil mumbled and Roman smiled again, wrapping his arms around him.
"And what exactly does love smell like Vee?"



"Could you be more specific?" He asked and Virgil looked up at him, pressing a light kiss to his lips, "No. I'm going to sleep now." He then laid back down, going back to his cuddle position before soon falling asleep.

203 words

When fake characters get more cuddles than you✨

Like seriously, what the heck.

That's all I gotta say.



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