Syrup (Prinxiety)

119 1 1

Human au

{Third Person POV}

"Virgil, wake up!" Roman shook his husband in an attempt to wake him up.

"Go away." Virgil muttered into his pillow, shoving Roman away from him.

"But I made pancakes!" Roman defended and Virgil sighed, "I guess I can get up then." He mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Aw, your hair looks so cute!" Roman gushed, and it was true, tufts of Virgil's purple and black hair were sticking up everywhere, his bangs covering half of his face.

"Doubt it, but whatever." Virgil said as he stood up, "I need to do my make-up first."

"Okay! I'll wait downstairs!" Roman exclaimed as he jumped off of the bed and ran down the hall to the kitchen.

Virgil rolled his eyes and began brushing his hair to make it look at least semi-decent.


Virgil sat at the table with Roman, and while sure, he had been awake for at least thirty minutes, he was still exhausted.

But he was also hungry and wanted syrup on his pancakes, so he grabbed the closest bottle to him and poured it on his pancakes.

Roman wasn't paying attention, as he had already started eating once Virgil sat down, but when he looked up he raised a brow in confusion.


Virgil hummed and looked up as he contiued to cut his pancakes.

"Is that cough syrup?" Roman asked, pointing at Virgil's plate of pancakes with his fork.

Virgil shrugged and took a bite.

"Ew. Yeah, that's cough syrup."

"How did you confuse the two- Virgil don't eat more!"

300 words

Update on the Deathnote musical thing: My top two are "I'm Ready" and "Hurricane", they're such great songs.

But I especially love "Hurricane", the vocals are just so great!



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