I'm Not Okay (I Promise) (prinxiety)

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TW: sad Virgil (not for long though) and cussing

Roommate/college au

{Third Person POV}

Roman was on the couch, happily watching Beauty and the Beast.

He heard the door open and turned to it, seeing Virgil walk inside, "Hey Vee." He looked at him, a little surprised anyone was home, "Oh, hey Princey. I thought you and Remus had that project?" "Yeah, he had a date with Jan, so we rescheduled." "Oh." He then walked up the stairs and Roman turned back to the T.V.

Just as he was about to start singing along he heard a door slam and very loud music play from a certain emo's room.

He turned up the T.V., only for the music to get louder and louder.

Sighing, he got up, dragging his blanket behind him and up the stairs.

He got to the dark brown, wooden door with a piece of paper stapled to it reading, Virgil in neat handwriting.

"Virgil!" He yelled to the man on the other side of the door, "Turn your music down!" He didn't get a response, just music playing loudly. He banged on the door, trying to get his attention, "Virgil!"


He grabbed the doorknob, not really thinking it would be unlocked. He turned it, and surprisingly, it was.

He opened the door, walking in.


Virgil stomped up the stairs to his and his roommate's apartment, today had not been a good day.

He figured no one else would be home, Patton would be visiting his parents, Logan would be tutoring, and Roman should be with Remus working on a project for English.

He opened the door, surprised to see it was unlocked, There's probably a murderer in there.

Good, I hope they kill me.

He walked inside, setting his keys on the counter.

"Hey Vee." He looked up, surprised anyone was home, and seen Roman on the couch, his red and white pokadotted blanket in his lap.

"Oh, hey Princey. I thought you and Remus had that project?" "Yeah, he had a date with Jan, so we rescheduled." "Oh."


He then walked upstairs, trying to go as fast as he could.

He opened his door, flicking the light on and going in, slamming the door behind him.

He probably heard you.

Don't give a fuck right now.

He walked to his stero, plugging his phone in and going to a playlist.

He pushed play, taking his jacket off and flinging it to his desk chair and laying on his bed, face in a pillow.

Maybe if I stay here long enough I'll suffocate and die.

Doubt it.

He got up, the music wasn't loud enough to drown everything out.

Why isn't he using his headphones?

Because he lost them.


He sat back on his bed, grabbing a pillow and hugging it tightly, burrying his face into it, feeling hot tears flowing down his face.

He huffed, reaching up and wiping away the tears, attempting to make it stop.

He didn't even know why he was crying, he just felt like crying when he was at work. Despite how loud the music was he heard footsteps approaching the door.

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