Roman's Dumb (prinxiety)

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TW: mentions of a menstrual cycle (I know, fun right?), mentions of tampons

This also has trans (ftm) Virgil

College au

{Third Person POV}

Virgil was sitting in the car, waiting for his boyfriend to come back from inside the store. He laughed to himself as he seen Roman storm out of the store and open the car door.

"Hi Ro." He greeted as Roman tossed a bag on the ground, "Hi." Roman said, glaring at his boyfriend, "So did you get it?" Virgil asked, trying not to laugh.

"Here's what I did: I walked in the store and went to the tampon and pad aisle, right?" Virgil nodded, holding back a grin by biting his lip, "I'm looking for what you need. A rechargeable tampon." (Lmao I can't stop laughing at this.)

He nodded again, now grinning, "But I couldn't find it, so I go and ask a worker." He sighs as he looks back on what happened in the store, "I told them I was looking for rechargeable tampons and they just stared at me before laughing. So I start laughing too."

Virgil snickered, covering it with his jacket sleeve, "And?" "Well they eventually ask, "What's that?" and-" "Did you tell them 300?" "Yes, I said "rechargeable tampons 300", and when we stopped laughing they asked, "What's that?"."

Virgil laughed, Roman still glaring at him, "There is no rechargeable tampons." Roman said as Virgil nodded, still laughing. "I can't believe you actually fell for that." Virgil said, shaking his head and grinning.

"Well what's in the bag then?" He asked, pointing at the bag still on the ground. "Actual tampons. Do you know how many there were?" Virgil nodded, "Yeah, I know how many there are. Which ones did you get?" "Well the worker helped me so I just got this one that has a bunch of different ones."

"Aw, thanks Ro. But I have to call Janus before we go." He told him, taking his phone out of his pocket, "Okay." Virgil went to his contacts, pressing Janus' and waiting for him to answer.

He eventually did, "Y'ello?" He asked, "Hey Jay." "Did he fall for it?" He asked, much more excited. He grinned, "Yeah he fell for it." Roman looked over, "Oh God..." Janus mumbled, but Virgil could hear him laughing.

"Are you talking about me?!" Roman asked, "Pfft, no." Virgil lied, Roman raising a brow, "Yeah, I don't believe you." Virgil smiled, "Well maybe I was talking about how you went in the store and asked for rechargeable tampons."

"Yeah, we can't come back to this store." Roman said, Virgil grinning, "Okay." He spoke again, this time to Janus, "Gotta go, bye." "Bye Vee." He hung up, looking over at his boyfriend, who was pouting like a kid, his arms crossed over his chest.

"You still upset you fell for it?" Virgil asked, "Yeah." He smiled, leaning over and kissing his head, "Well you're fine. I once asked Patton to get me "flavoured tampons" and he came back to me freaking out because they didn't have any."

Roman grinned, "Wow.." "Yeah, I then had to explain that it was a joke. Now, let's go home, I'm tired." Roman uncrossed his arms, "Whatever you say dear."

The two drove home, Virgil changing his clothes and laying on the bed. "'Night." He mumbled, his face burried into Roman's side, "It's not night." Virgil sighed, "What do you want me to say? Afternoon?" He asked in a tired tone.

"No, just go ahead and sleep." He told him, playing with his dark purple hair. Virgil did so, Roman falling asleep soon after he did.

605 words

I seen a tik tok where a girl did this with her boyfriend and I can't- it was hilarious.

"Rechargeable tampon" though, that's hilarious.



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