Personal Nurse (Logicality)

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TW: Mentions minor injuries and thorns, mentions of epipens, mentions of shots, Remus, and a few cuss words.

Camp au

{Third Person POV}


Logan peeked his head around the corner, recognizing the voice of a very clumsy and sometimes idiotic camp counselor. While said counselor quite enjoyed his stays at the infirmary Logan didn't and he immediately looked the other up and down, scanning him for any sign of injury.

"What happened now?" He asked, walking into the main entrance of the infirmary. He didn't see any cuts, reactions, or stings on Patton's arms or face, and if there was something he must have gotten better at acting since the last time Logan saw him.

"Nothin'. Can't I visit my favorite nurse?" Patton said, a smile on his face that Logan recognized as a pained one, one that he would put on when Logan had to put medicine on his scraps and cuts, that was supposed to mask the searing pain from the wound, which was quite often. Really, the camp should get rid of all those thorny bushes on the hiking paths.

"Did you get another spider bite?" Logan asked, walking closer to see if he missed something. The other shook his head, "Well did you get rabies again? Because you should really keep away from wild raccoons." Logan really didn't enjoy emergency shots, he only did it when his more experienced and qualified co-worker Kelly wasn't avaliable.

"Nope, got all my shots last week, and what can I say? Raccoons are adorable, they're like little cats I'm not allergic to." Patton said as Logan circled around him, seeing a familiar blotch of red on the nape of Patton's neck, just under his sandy brown hair.

"Poison ivy?"

"Poison oak." Logan nodded, sighing softly. It's been two days since camp started, how has he already got something wrong with him? "Right, follow me." Patton sighed, following Logan out and into the also familiar white room where Logan and Kelly gave anyone who needs it medicine and in cases that usually include Patton, immediate rabies shots and epipen injections.

"Take your shirt off." Logan said, taking out some calamine lotion and a cotton ball. Patton sighed but took off the light blue shirt with the camp's name on it in white, bunching it up and holding it. Logan shook the bottle and put some of the lotion on the cotton ball, "So... anything new?" Patton asked as Logan gently applied the lotion on his back.

"Not particularly, I managed to get an internship at a doctor's office in September though." Patton hummed as the lotion was rubbed onto his back, the slight coolness of it relieving the mild burning from his extreme itching earlier that day.

"That's great Lo! Did it go well?" He asked, subconsciously turning to try and see the other. Logan gently moved his head forward with his free hand, "It did, I assisted with paperwork and managed to help with a few shots for children."

Patton chuckled, "Hopefully none of them were for rabies."

Logan couldn't help the smile that graced his lips, "There was no rabies shots needed. Just simple things for the school year such as the flu. But I'm ranting, what did you do during the year?"

"Not much, got a job at the animal shelter and got to foster a dog for a bit. Oh! and my little brother graduated eighth grade." Logan noticed he seemed rather proud of the last thing, even though it didn't involve him. Patton was usually like that, excited for other people and their accomplishments, whether they were big or small.

"Good for him. So he's going to be a freshman this year?" Logan finished applying the lotion and shut the cap of the bottle. He now had to wait for it to dry before putting on some more, as Patton usually needs two layers of it to start to feel a bit better.

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