A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into (prinxiety)

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TW: kinda logince


Anyways, I was listening to the BMC soundtrack, and I really like this song and I really like prinxiety so... yeah.

Also, Janus is the squip because why not.

High school au

{Third Person POV}

"Say there's this person you pass in the hall everyday," Roman started talking as Virgil sat next to him, "You've know him since seventh grade."

"You're used to thinking about him in a certain way," he looked down at the floor, "From the persona that he displays."

"And then something changes," he looked back up at Virgil, grinning, "and he changes..."

"From a guy that you'd never be into, into a guy that you'd kinda be into." He stood and so did Virgil, "From a guy that I'd never be into, into a guy that I'd kinda be into." He looked off, seeming he was in a whole other place.

"Is he worth it?" Roman asked, turning back to look the other teen in the eyes, "Virgil? Is he?"

"Is he talking about me?" Virgil asked his squip, making sure to whisper so he didn't seem crazy, "Of course he is. I've been activating your pheromones. Keep it up." Janus responded and Virgil nodded, turning back to Roman.

"Say there's this person that you never knew that well,"

"He is totally into you." Janus whispered over to Virgil.

"You thought that you had him pegged, but now you can tell. He's gone from a guy that you'd never be into, into a guy that you'd kinda be into!" Roman had gotten more excited, "From a guy that I'd never be into, into a guy that I'd kinda be into!"

"Is he worth it?" Roman repeated the question to Virgil, "Virgil?"

"Absolutely." Virgil and Janus said in unison.

"I don't always relate to other people my age," Roman had sat back down, Virgil sitting next to him once again.

"Except when I'm on the stage." He added with a little chuckle. "There are so many changes that I'm going through!"

He turned to Virgil, "And why am I telling this to you?"

Virgil shrugged and Roman smiled, "Guess there's a part of me that wants to," he said with a small shrug, "I guess a part of me wants, to, who knew?"

"I guess a part of me likes to talk to you," he said with a smile towards Virgil, "I guess a part of me likes to, who knew?"

"I guess a part of me likes to sit with you," he gestured over to where they were sitting, "I guess a part of me likes to, who knew?"

"I guess a part of me likes to hang with you," he gave him a sheepish grin, "I guess a part of me-"

Just then their teacher and the rest of the class walked in, everyone else in the group going to practice their lines.

"Back to play rehearsal," he said as he watched them, "I know that it's weird but it's totally true," he turned back to Virgil.

"The guy that I'd kinda be into." "The guy that you'd kinda be into." Virgil said along with him, waiting for him to say who. "Yeah, that." Roman said with a small smile and laugh.

"Guy that I'd kinda be into," The two said in unison.


Virgil sat up more,


579 words

That was fun.

I really live this song though, it's just so great.



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