Colours (prinxiety)

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TW: my crappy writing adorable fluff and gayness

I've been giving people this idea and I finally decided to actually use it. I have a lot of prompts I might as well make a book of them.

Soulmate au

{Third Person POV}

Virgil woke up, hearing his sister crying, he looked over at his clock, it was almost three in the morning. "I guess I'll calm her down" he got up and went to her room, he didn't mind calming her down, his parents were tired and were nice enough to let him sleep in when he helped.

He picked her up and she calmed a little, smiling up at her big brother, "Sure, now you stop" he said, carrying her to the living room and turning on the T.V. "And I'm guess you want to watch Moana?" She nodded excitedly.

They watched Moana at least four times until they both fell asleep.

He woke up hearing Spongebob and looked around, processing what was going on. His mom was making something, probably breakfast, his dad was probably at work, which was surprising, he didn't work this early, and his sister was watching T.V. and playing with her puzzle.

"What time is it?" He asked, yawning, "Your finally awake?" She said, "And, it's five in the afternoon" "Oh"

That explains why his dad is at work and his mom is here, considering she works mornings and he works nights. "So I spent my Saturday asleep?" She nodded, "I don't have any regrets"

He woke up Monday morning, he heard his dad trying to get his sister to eat and some cartoon playing on the T.V.

He walked out into the hall, seeing something in the mirror. He doubled back and seen his usually black hair was now a crimson red, not completely though, there was some white and gold as well, and if you really looked close you could see specks of silver.

"Uh.. dad?" "Yes Virgil?" "It, uh... happened" his dad looked into the hall, "Oh! Um.. your mom kind of wanted to be here when your hair changed, but I guess I'll call her"

In Virgil's "universe" your hair changing was a big deal, almost as big as birthdays, so it made sense that his mom wanted to be there.

After her being ecstatic about the hair and styling it he went off to school.

He walked down the hall, seeing his friend talking to someone, he was tempted to scare him, but changed his mind, he looked like he really liked this someone. "Guess I'll check on Pat" he turned and went the other way, to both his and Patton's locker.

He went next to his locker and seen him talkimg to someone, who just so happen to have Patton's favourite colours, light blue, silver, and a little bit of tan and white.

"Hiya Pat" he said from behind him, "Oh!" He jumped a little, seeming flustered, "Hi Kiddo" "Who's your friend?" "Hm? Oh! Logan, he's a friend of mine, he just moved back" he smirked, "Right, 'friend'. Well, I'm Virgil, his brother" "Really? I didn't know he had a brother" Patton laughed awkwardly, "I don't, he's more of an adopted-but-not-offically brother"

"Ah, that makes more sense" They heard the bell ring, signaling the beginning of homeroom, "Welp, I've gotta go" he waved and walked with Virgil.

"That was embarrassing" Virgil nodded, "Yes it was"

A few hours later and he was in Language Arts, which, he kind of hated. "Now, for this project you will be writing about what you think about soulmates" someone raised his hand, Virgil recognized him as the boy Janus was talking to.

The teacher looked up, "Yes, Remus?" "What if we don't care about soulmates?" "Then write about why you don't like soulmates"

Virgil started writing his essay, it was due in two days, so that wasn't so bad, besides, this was gonna be easy.

Two days later and Virgil was standing in front of his class, ready to read his essay. I can do this he felt better than he did on most days, that was something.

"My hair recently changed colours, which you can obviously tell, as it used to be black, apparently my soulmate's favourite colours are red, white, and gold. My favourites are purple, black and a little bit white, now-" he got cut off by someone opening the door.

"Sorry I'm late" he looked up from his paper and almost dropped it, the person who walked in had Virgil's favourite colours in his hair. For a minute everyone in the room looked at him.

He had black hair fading into dark purple with a strand of white, mismatching with the two other colours. He sat down and took his things out, then realized everyone was looking at him, "Um... hi?" He said, looking up.

Everyone looked over at Virgil, "Um.. Miss, do you want me to keep going or..." she shook her head, "You can sit down" he nodded, going back to his seat.

"Roman, Virgil, come with me" the two stood and followed their teacher, "Wednesday, keep an eye on the class" she added as they walked out.

"Miss? Where are we going?" Roman asked as they walked down the hall, "I'm taking you two to the principal's office" "Oh, okay" they continued walking, "We're here"

She walked in, "Stay out here" she opened the door, but doubled back, "And get to know each other" she added.

"So... what's your favourite Disney movie?" Roman asked after a few minutes of silence, "The Black Cauldron is pretty good, you?" He chuckled, "I can't just pick one, but off the top of my head, I'd say Sleeping Beauty"

Their teacher came back out, "He wants to see you two" they got up and walked inside, seeing her sitting at her desk, on the phone, "Sit down" she mouthed, gesturing to the seats in front of her.

They sat down, and she hung up, "Do you two know why your here?" "My hair went from light brown to these horrible emo colours in a week?" Roman said, putting a hand on his hair, "Hey! Those are my favourite colours you know" "Well can't you have a different favourite colour?"

"I can, but I won't" "How are we soulmates?" He shrugged, "Well, that is the reason you two are in here"

She explained that since they were soulmates, they had to go on this date that their parents fixed up for them, "So, we don't have to do the rest of the school day?" "No" Virgil shrugged, "Okay, c'mon Roman" he stood up, taking the other boy with him.

Okay, so this was longer than I thought it would be... so guess who's making a part two? Me!



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