Celebrating (Prinxiety)

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College au

{Third Person POV}

Roman was peacefully sleeping in his and his boyfriend's bed, when he heard a loud beep.

Groaning, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up from the fantastic dream he was having and into the real world.

Wait, that wasn't his alarm.

His alarm is Haus of Holbein from Six: The Musical.

So, he was used to hearing that on full blast as Virgil hits him with a pillow.

Actually, now that he looks around, Virgil isn't in the bed.

That's weird.

He yawned but stood up, glancing over at the digital clock on the bedside table, reading that it was four thirty in the morning.

He walked out of the room and seen that the kitchen light was on and that Virgil was sitting on the counter by the stove, spreading black frosting on a cupcake with a butter knife, along with a black party hat on his head.

"Virgil... what are you doing?" He asked, walking into the kitchen and seeing party decorations, although all the happy faces that were decorated on the banner, (Which was hanging from cupboard to cupboard above Virgil.) were all scribbled out with a Sharpie.

"I'm celebrating the death of my sleep schedule and sanity." He stated, reaching over to some purple sprinkles and tossing them on the cupcake.

"Cupcake?" He asked, holding out the cupcake for the other.

"Yeah... no thanks." Roman said, walking over to him, "Why not?" "Because it's four a.m."

"What's your point?" He asked, taking a bite of the cupcake. "Yeah, I'm taking you back to bed." Roman told him, picking the other up off the counter.

"Fine. We'll have the celebration tomorrow." Virgil said, wiggling out of his boyfriend's grasp and walking out of the kitchen.

"Let's never have the "celebration"."

359 words

Just finished watching Cruella and I loved it so much.

Buuuut, I don't want to spoil the movie.

But it was literally fantastic, like who can pull off a movie for a lady who tried to make coats out of dogs??

Disney can.

Because Disney is slowly taking over.



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