Cold (logicality)

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TW: my crappy writing and gayness

Human au

{Third Person POV}

"God, it's freezing, aren't you cold?" Logan asked, they decided to go visit Patton's parents for Christmas because no one else were doing anything.

"No" "Why not?" Virgil sighed, "Maybe because I'm wearing a jacket and jeans, while your wearing a T-shirt and ripped jeans" "Your hilarious" he said as the car pulled up to a driveway.

"We're here!" Patton said as they got out of the car, "Finally! It feels like we've been driving forever!" Roman said, taking his bags out, "It hasn't been that long" Logan said, walking up to the door.

It immediately opened and he was greeted by a woman wearing a red and green sweater, her brunette hair put up in a messy bun, "Finally! It's about time you guys got here!" Logan smiled, "Hello, I'm-" "Your Logan!" He stared at her, "Patton talks about you all the time! He once said-" "Okay mom! I think that's enough! Go check the pie or it'll burn" he interjected, blushing under his scarf.

"That's right! You guys better come in, it's really cold out there!" Logan quickly went inside, Patton following behind, Roman next and finally Virgil. "So how was the drive?" She asked, taking out the apple pie that was in the oven, "What kind of pie did you bake Ms. Angel?" Roman asked.

She laughed, "Oh, Roman,  you haven't changed a bit have you?" "Not really, no" "I'm sure you have! Have you gotten a boyfriend yet?" Roman blushed, "No, not yet"

They continued chatting, "So you talk about me a lot?" Logan asked, amused "Yeah! I talk about all of you, I talk about you more because, because... your job seems fun!" "Fun? I suppose in some way"

Logan "worked" as an assistant for a second grade teacher, and despite the fact they asked odd questions, he did enjoy being with them.

"Are you still cold?" Patton asked, taking off his scarf, "Well yes, I'm not used to Wisconsin weather like you" "Well, I wasn't used to Florida weather like you" Logan laughed, "Yes, that's true"

Patton got a blanket for him, "That should keep you warm" right as he finished his sentence the heater turned off, "That was bad timing" "Boys come have some hot chocolate!" She called from the kitchen.

Patton sprung up, Logan slowly following from behind, the blanket over him, "Are you still cold?" Roman asked, he already had his jacket, hat, and scarf off. "No Roman, I just like carrying a blanket over my shoulders" he said, grabbing a mug off the table. "He has ya there princy " Virgil said, taking a sip of his, "Princy? You guys have the greatest names for each other" Patton's mom said, laughing.


Patton laid in bed, he couldn't sleep, he was in his childhood room, which he loved, but something didn't feel right. He closed his eyes, so he didn't see his door opened, or see someone walk across the room and admire him for a few seconds. (Wtf this sounds so creepy😂)

"Patton?" Patton sat up, "Yes?" Logan cleared his throat, "Can I, can I sleep in here?" "Yeah, sure" Patton laid back down and felt his bed dip, and then he felt Logan's arms wrap around him, "Is this okay?" He asked. Patton nodded, "This is perfect"

Patton woke up the next morning feeling sleepy, despite getting pretty good sleep, "Better get up" he muttered. "No" Patton turned and seen Logan, "Why not?" "Your warm and I'm cold, simple" Patton sighed, "Good argument" Logan smiled, "I know"

Patton smiled back, wrapping his arms back around him, "Your freezing" "Once again, I know" Patton laughed, "Okay, okay, your right" "I-" Patton cut him off, giving him a kiss on the forehead, "I know, you know" "I wasn't going to say that"

Hope you liked that! I personally think that it's okay, not bad, but not the greatest either.



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