Understudy (Prinxiety)

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TW: I made Virgil a little confident and Roman a little more anxious, also Roman's really bad at showing love, lol.

High school au

{Third Person POV}

"No, Christine. It's one, two, three, kick!" Roman demonstrated, kicking high up in the air, the brunette watching and nodding.

"Okay, I think I got it." She said once Roman was back in his original stance.

"Great! Let's try it out!" Roman exclaimed, gesturing over to the students directing the music, who began rewinding it.

It soon began and Roman could see Christine concentrating and counting in her head, waiting for her cue.

Once it came she did the high kick correctly this time, and continued on with her dance routine.

"Great job!" Roman cheered, Christine turning and flashing him a smile.

"Thanks Ro-"

Christine cut herself off, falling from the stage to the ground.

"Christine!" A boy shouted out, rushing out from the backstage and to Christine, who was attempting to stand on her feet.

Roman's face fell and he ran around and off the stage, over to Christine and the boy helping her stand.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." She said, pushing herself off the boy, who went to grab at her before pulling his hand away.

"I don't thi-"

"No, watch!"

So Roman and the boy watched as Christine attempted to do her routine, minus the high kick, only to almost fall again.

"Okay... Maybe I'm not okay." She said as their teacher walked back into the classroom.

"What happened?" He asked as he approached the three, Christine leaning against the boy again.

"I fell." Christine stated, their teacher widening his eyes for a moment before nodding, pushing up his glasses.

He sighed and spoke, "Alright. Jeremy please take Christine to the nurse's office." He told the boy, who nodded and guided Christine out of the auditorium, Roman moving out of their way.

"So... Is Christine gonna be okay?" Roman asked, following their teacher as he walked up the stairs of the stage and backstage to check on everything.

"Hopefully." He said as he walked over to the make-up artists.

Just as Roman was about to ask another question he spoke again. "But if she isn't we may have to have Virgil do her part instead."



"Wait, why... Why Virgil?" Roman asked, following him over to the costumers.

"Well he's her understudy. Didn't you know that?" He asked, turning to look at Roman. "Why? Do you have a problem with it?"

"Uh... No. No, I don't. I just thought only girls could play the part." Roman muttered out.

"Well usually, yes. But Virgil's quite great for the part." He flashed a smile over to Virgil, who was trying to ignore his compliments as he tailored a dress for one of the girls.

"Anyway," he turned to Roman again, "Hopefully Christine is okay and heals quickly."

Roman nodded, still thinking about how if Christine didn't get better Roman would have to be "married" to Virgil.

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