Mint Tea and Other Minty Treats (Logicality)

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Human au

{Third Person POV}

A taste Logan never liked was mint. Minty things always made him grimace a bit internally, and that included mint scented things. The only times he could tolerate mint was when he was brushing his teeth or when he sees the color mint green.

Though that completely changed when he met his long term partner, Patton Device, a lively young man who first encountered Logan when the two were introduced by their friends. Patton was also the sweetest person to ever exist, to most people that is. He was the type to make you something intricate that took hours of hard work for a small occasion, but would tear up if you wrote him a card for his birthday.

He was the type of person who would make you go diabetic in less than a day from the amount of sweets he will gift to you. But he was also the type who loved minty things.

He loves mint tea, he found it helped with when he was sick and congested, he loves mint chocolate chip cookies because they always looked so pretty with the mint green and dark chocolate, and the taste was just sweet enough for him in a way that wouldn't make him sick. He loved the smell because it was just so fresh and perfect in his little apartment.

So when the two had began their courtship and Logan had called Patton and told him he was sick and therefore couldn't attended their scheduled date, Patton rushed right over with the essentials. That consisted of mint tea, cold medicine he kept in his bathroom cabinet, and an unnecessary amount of cuddles and kisses on the head.

So when he arrived at Logan's apartment and boiled up some water for his tea, Logan was surprised to find that the tea was mint. He had noticed before he took a drink, as the smell was easy to detect. He stared down at it in discontent as Patton stood by his bed, not noticing the look and telling him that the tea would help him with his sore throat.

So Logan pretended to take a sip, and Patton smiled and kissed the top of his head. He told him that he'd get better in no time and that made Logan feel a bit bad when he dumped it all in the sink and replaced it with black tea.

But he didn't want to hurt Patton's feelings because he was taking time out of his day to help him, so he didn't bother telling him. He also assumed that it wouldn't come up again, so it just seemed irrelevant to bring it up.

But something that Logan did want to bring up was the fact that Patton ate peppermints like they were his life source, and while Logan did appreciate the fresh breath when they kissed, it was a bit hard to get used to tasting the awful flavor when he wanted to kiss his boyfriend. Though he still didn't bother to bring it up, it was just fresh breath, so complaining about it just seemed odd to him.

So time went on and when the two went on one of their picnic dates he was surprised to see that Patton had brought mint leaves. He was even more surprised (and confused) when they laid out the old sheet they were using and he sprinkled them around it and on the grass.

When Logan had asked why Patton simply replied that mint kept bugs, specifically ants, away because they hated the smell. Logan couldn't help but relate to the ants, but really the smell and taste was starting to grow on him.

It was probably because it was something he tasted and smelled almost everyday, thanks to Patton still popping mints into his mouth every five minutes and the mint shampoo he used. He didn't find it as sickening anymore, so he considered it a good thing because he could still enjoy kisses from his boyfriend.

Though mint tea and other minty things still didn't taste great to him. Well, until a cool, rainy, evening when Patton had made the two mugs of the drink. Logan had been reading on the couch when Patton set down the mugs and small plate of cookies that he was somehow able to balance when he walked.

Logan had glanced up and noticed, pleasantly surprised at the small spread. Though really, he shouldn't have been, because he knew Patton loved doing small acts like this for absolutely no reason.

So Patton handed him his mug and grabbed his own before sitting next to Logan, cuddling up with the warm drink in his hand. Logan had smiled and decided to actually try the drink. He took a small sip and he wished that he had drank the tea when Patton had first given him while he was sick, because the tea had warmed him right up, and he didn't even notice he was cold.

But Patton somehow had and gave him the warm mug, he wasn't even asked to and for some unexplainable reason it made Logan's heart swell in his chest. So he had leaned over and used his free hand to cup Patton's face and pull him into a tender kiss before whispering how much he loved him.

Patton had grinned and said it back, a glint in his eyes as he did, the light from the living room lamp bouncing off his glasses and onto Logan's. The sound of rain on the roof had made the moment somehow even more memorable, and Logan didn't want to be anywhere else. He just wanted to sit here and drink mint tea with Patton, either talking or sitting in silence, it didn't matter to him.

Old Logan never would have drank it. Old Logan would have just dumped it out and replaced it with a different tea. But now he loved when Patton made him mint tea, because it was something he loved for someone he loved.

It now brought Logan comfort and a feeling in his chest he truly could not name. One that made him more joyful than he ever could have imagined. It made him want to just sit with Patton forever, just drinking mint tea and talking about their days, or even just sitting in blissful silence, leaning against each other with Patton's arm around Logan. Maybd even with the T.V. on, being background noise or the soul focus of their time as they watch a movie for a night in.

It made him want to be around Patton even more, with his mint shampoo and homemade mint chocolate chip cookies and mint candies. Now it just seemed odd for him to not smell mint the entire day, because the connection to Patton just made him grin like an idiot.

Really, he loved it now. He fell in love with mint while he fell for Patton.

1217 words


I'm literally so excited, I love pride because g a y. Also, I finally know my sexuality this year and that makes me so happy.

Now, I am extremely exhausted because it's almost twelve forty in the morning and I just want to sleep forever.



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