Thunder (logicality)

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I'll most likely make a prinxiety version of this 'cus I always have ideas for both but want to do it separate. Anyways, on with the story!!

{Logan's POV}

I was sitting on the couch with the others, reading a book as they did their own things. Since it was raining outside it was quite relaxing, until I heard thunder and flinched, "Lo are you okay?" Patton asked looking away from the movie they were watching and over at me.

"Y-yes, I'm fine! I was just surprised" I said quickly. I heard thunder again and flinched, "Are you sure?" He said again, this time advancing towards me "Yes I'm s-sure!" I said again. "That's a lie" Virgil said looking over at me "No it isn't" I said sitting up, "Now-" I was interrupted by more thunder.

But since Patton was closer to me I went by instinct and hugged him close, "Lo? Are you sure your okay?" He asked, hesitantly hugging me back. "No..." I mumbled into his chest "What was that?" "Nothing" I said quietly, sitting up, I looked around and seen that Roman and Virgil were gone "Okay..." he said skeptically, looking back at the movie. He didn't see,  but I kept on flinching when there was thunder.

{Time skip brought to you by rainy days}

It was now night and I couldn't sleep, I couldn't even try. Why? Because it's still thundering out. I don't know why I'm so scared, it's just sound caused by a sudden increase of temperature and pressure of lightning producing rapid expansion of the air within a lighting strike creating a sonic shock wave.

Nothing to be scared of!

I then heard a knock on my door, I went over and opened it, I seen Patton in his onesie "Hey Lo, I know it's late but I was wondering if-" he cut himself off and looked up, "Are you okay?!" "Yes... Why?" "Because you look exhausted! Have you been awake this whole time?"

"Yes... Why is that such a big deal?" I asked, "Because it's almost five a.m.! You need to get to sleep" he grabbed my arm and laid me on the bed, he snapped his fingers and I was in my onesie. "Patton, really, I'm f-" "No buts!" He said shushing me by putting a finger to my mouth.

"You need-" he cut himself off when there was another clap of thunder and I once again flinched. He looked at me and smiled sympathetically,

{Third Person POV}

"Are you afraid of the thunder Lo?" Patton asked, smiling sympathetically "N-no!" The other said quickly, trying not to yelp when there was another clap of thunder. "Are you sure?" The other sighed, "Yes... I'm afraid of thunder" he whispered "That's okay!" Patton said sitting next to him "Do you want me to help you not be as scared?" Logan nodded.

Patton hugged him close to his chest, "Is this okay?" He asked, playing with the other's hair. Logan nodded, listening to his heartbeat "Can we lay down now?" He asked "Of course" Patton whispered, laying down with Logan cuddling into him. "Goodnight Lo" "Actually I believe it's good morning" Logan said closing his eyes.

{Time skip to the morning}

Since they had fallen asleep at around five a.m. the two woke up in the afternoon, and it was still raining. Logan woke up first after hearing a clap of thunder, and shot up, causing Patton to wake up. "It's okay Lo" Patton said cuddling him close, Logan leaned into him, "Thank you pat" he said, looking up at him "No problem Lo" he said and kissed his forehead "Let's go back to sleep"

That was short but I don't really care. I bet you weren't expecting Logan to be scared of thunder! I've seen alot where Patton was scared but decided to change it to Logan.



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