Not so princely Affairs (kinda both?)

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TW: my crappy writing adorable fluff and gayness

{Third Person POV}

Patton grinned, "We run away" "What?" He grabbed the parchment, "We need to distract our dads, then one of us go in the forest and find a place to hide and gets the other" he took a breath, "Then we build a little house and live happily ever after!"

"Patton... we can't do that" his smile faded, "Why not..?" "We have to stay here" he felt tears threatening to fall, "But Lo... I can't live here anymore" he sighed, "I know... But think about it"

He did think about it, he did love staying near his friends, and his sister... and brother, and... now that he thinks about it, maybe he should stay.

"Your right, your right, your right" he said, sighing, "I just want to be with you, but I can't..." He burrowed his head into his chest, "I love you" he whispered, "I love you too..."

The two stayed like that for a second, "I'm tired" Patton said, "Should you lay down then?" He shook his head, "Not that kind of tired, in tired of him"

"Oh... well what should we do about it?" "I don't know anymore, I just want to be with you" he lifted his head and cleaned his glasses, as they were all foggy and smudged. "Do you want me to do anything?" He shook his head, "Being with you is enough, I just want to show everyone"

He didn't know how to comfort him anymore, he just wanted his boyfriend to be happy, he deserved it, "We should do it"

Patton looked up at him, "What are you talking about Lo?" He asked, "We should run away, then come back when your dad dies" "But you said.." "I know what I said, but think about it, Remus hates your dad too and he's basically a killing machine" "Yeah, your right!"

"Then we'll do it!" Patton grinned, "I love you so much" he said, kissing him, "Love you too" he said, pulling away.


That night Patton snuck out of his room from the top of a tower, it wasn't that tall really, he just couldn't jump out unless he wanted to die.

He lowered a rope ladder his sister gave him, and climbed down, Logan was already waiting at the bottom, "Ready?" He asked, taking his hand. "Of course I am" he said, kissing him, "Then let's go"

They went off into the forest, excited for their life together.

Years later a certain king died from "natural causes" as they put it and two men with a little boy and girl came to the funeral.

"Your finally back" Virgil said, looking at them, "Remus finally killed him" Logan said, "Yeah, took him awhile, but he did it" "Yeah, it did take awhile didn't it?"

That's the end! The book in making based off of it is gonna be longer, but yeah, this is the last part of the little stories. I hope you liked it.



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