Spilled Secrets (Logicality)

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TW: Arguments (not between Lo and Patt), mentions of crying, and a couple cuss words.

Human au

{Third Person POV}

Trying to keep a relationship a secret for the benefit of your friends is much harder than Patton expected, especially when on a road trip and having to share a room with both your friends and your boyfriend. Oh, and you have to share a bed with said boyfriend.

But maybe that situation only applies to Patton, because currently he's trying not to burn red as Logan, said secret boyfriend, was getting dressed in his pyjamas. It's wasn't that big of a deal, he was already in his pyjama bottoms, blue flannel that were just a bit loose on him. He was just changing into his button-up shirt. Not a big deal. Nope, not even in the slightest.

But then again, if that were true Patton wouldn't be the same shade as a tomato right now, and he wouldn't be stuck staring at Logan and his beautiful face. That thin face with those dark eyes and thin lips.

Patton always had a thing for his boyfriend's lips.

Something about them just made him appreciate his beauty even more than usual, about the pink hue that they always were, about the way they pressed thin when he got annoyed. When he smiled and his pearly whites were revealed as well, when the smile reached his cocoa eyes and made him so much happier. Made him look so majestic.

He loved when Logan would kiss him and his lips would be unbelievable soft against his own, and the bitter taste from Logan's coffee or tea would make it's way onto Patton's lips. He loved when Logan would drink just a little too much wine on Friday nights and the liquid would stain Logan's lips dark red, the expensive drink Patton couldn't pronounce the name of lingering there the next day.

Another thing Patton loved so much about Logan's lips was the fact that his words came out of them. Elegant, big words Patton didn't know but knew were nice. Knew that they meant beautiful things.

Those lips were on a mouth that spoke beautifully from a clever mind Patton would never get tired of, never get tired of hearing him explain things Patton didn't quite understand, such as philosophical questions that kind of made Patton confused but also made him think about himself. Made him think about his life, his relationships, and how much he cared for those he knew.

But Patton especially loved how, despite how Logan could look so icy and monotone, those lips and eyes always gave him away. A slight quirk of a smile, the flash of a frown, and a light bite on the inside of his lip, could hint to Patton just how his boyfriend was feeling. He could deduce the emotion just off his eyes, whether or not that sparkle was still there, if they looked glassy, or if his pupils dilated. Logan never tried to show it, but Patton could read him like a Sherlock book, with this ease and familiarity while knowing that everything was going to go to plan, that whatever was to happen Patton could get through it. That Patton and Logan could get through it.

Maybe that was why the two worked so well together, Patton was an open book, one you could find at a public library, one that was well-worn and had little notes from others who had read it. A book that had been read so many times the spine was wearing down and only someone with a gentle hand could really read it as intended.

Logan was a locked up diary, with the key lost in a trinket bowl among clones of the key, and no one had the patience to really look, to pay attention close enough and see the reality of how Logan felt. But Patton did, he looked very closely and seen all his little quirks, his body language, and rather than looking for the key Logan simply handed it to him, and Patton was able to really understand Logan. Despite how opposite they could be, they understood each other.

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