Crush (prinxiety)

173 4 2

TW: cussing, Remus

High school au

{Third Person POV}

Shit! I forgot my jacket! Roman thought as he ran outside and into the freezing rain.

"Shit!" He shouted and heard his brother laugh next to him. Roman slowly turned to look at him, glaring. Remus wasn't wearing a jacket either, but Roman honestly wasn't sure if he'd ever seen Remus wear one.

The two stood in the rain, Remus kicking at rocks and splashing around in puddles, sometimes tossing the rocks in an attempt to skip them.

Roman stood next to him, arms around himself since he was starting to get cold and he was wearing a short sleeved shirt.

He looked down at his watch and seen it was seven fifteen, the bus usually came at seven ten.

"Great.." He mumbled, "What's great?" Remus asked, looking up from collecting rocks for his collection.

"The bus is late."

"Or we missed it."

"Yeah, that's loads better."

"Hey! I bet we can catch up with the others! They walk to school too!" Remus said as Roman started walking down the street.

"Actually, Logan's parent's usually drive him on their way to school and Patton rides the bus that goes to his house."

"Well Janus and Virgil walk." Remus said, catching up with his brother. "So I'm sure we can catch up with them."

"Probably. What time do they usually leave?" "I dunno, like, around now?"

"Well we'll walk by their houses to see." Roman said.

As the two continued walking they got to Janus' house, seeing him just walking out the door with a yellow and black polka dot umbrella in his hand.

"Janus!" Remus waved and the other looked up, his beanie half covering his eyes.

"Remus! You idiot! Why don't you have a jacket on!" He shouted as he walked over to the twins, his umbrella open and over himself.

"I'm not cold." "You're gonna get sick." Janus stated before turning to Roman, "Where's your jacket?"

"I forgot it." He muttered and Janus sighed, "We can share my umbrella then." He said and handed it to Remus to hold over the three.

The three walked down to Virgil's house, which was only about two houses down from Janus'.

Much like Janus, Virgil was also just walking outside, although he didn't have an umbrella.

"Virgil!" Janus shouted over to the teen.

He looked up and was confused to see Remus and Roman standing next to Janus.

"What're you two doing here?" He asked once he walked up to the three. "Their bus was late."

"Or we missed it."

Janus rolled his eyes, "Or they missed it." "Alright," he then turned his attention over to Roman, who still had his arms around himself.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked as they started walking. "I forgot my jacket." He mumbled, "Well that must suck." "Well yeah, I'm kinda freezing."

Virgil rolled his eyes, "Hang on."

He took off the leather jacket, he was wearing, habding it to Roman to hold and showing off his usual black and purple one underneath.

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