Pillows (Day 6)

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TW: my crappy writing, adorable fluff, and gayness (oh, and like, slight cussing)

{Third Person POV}

"Hey Roman?" Virgil said, going in his room, "Yeah?" "Can I borrow some pillows?" "Um... why?" "Patton took mine to make a fort for him and Logan" Roman shrugged, "Not surprised, but yeah, you can" he said, tossing him a pillow. "Hey!" He said, hitting him back, "Don't hit people" "But you just hit me!" Roman countered back, hitting him over the head with another.

"Your gonna get it now!" He said, hitting him again.

They started having a pillow fight until one of them won, that person somehow being Virgil.

"I won!" He taunted, "I won, you lost" "Yeah, yeah" Roman said, sitting up, "Why'd you come in here again?" "I needed some pillows. But now I'm just tired" he said, laying down, "Can I sleep in here?" "I don't care" Roman said, laying down too, "Now I'm tired" "Yeah, it happens when you have an on-going pillow fight for at least an hour"

"I don't even remember who started it" "It was you" Virgil said, grabbing another pillow, "No, it was you" "Whatever"

The two fell asleep soon later and woke up to hear yelling.

"What the..?" Roman tried to sit up but felt a weight on his chest. He looked down and seen Virgil's head sitting on his chest, "Fuck me" he whispered, though he wasn't really complaining, "Maybe later" he looked back and seen Virgil smiling, "Ah, so your awake" he sat up and rubbed his eyes,  "Barely. Can we go back to sleep?"

Roman sighed, "Yeah, I guess so"

I know I'm late but turns out I could only have my phone for a little bit but I officially have it back now.



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