In The Beginning (Prinxiety)

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TW: Cussing, a gay demon, and a gay angel. You've been warned.

Good Omens au? Good Omens au.

(And no, you don't need to watch the show/read the book to read this story, you'll pick up.)

{Third Person POV}

Virgil sat outside of the wall, the blaze from his sword and the sparkling stars his only source of light as a circled around the tall wall that contained the sleeping humans the All Mighty wanted him to keep an eye on. Apparently some demons had found out about Adam and Eve's placement on Earth and decided to try and wreck havoc on them, and it was Virgil's job to make sure the two didn't get attacked.

He had already had to get rid of one disguised as some animal he didn't even know the name of, it was small, furry, and fast though. It also made this odd squeaking noise that had nearly scared Virgil's wings right off. That was nearly an hour ago though and as he circled back to the grand entrance of The Garden something flew down in front of his face.

He let out the loudest and most high-pitch scream imaginable and stumbled back, falling into the sand with a hard oomph. He sat up and was met with a black, winged creature flying directly above him, with the animal equivalent on an arched brow. It was similar to the other one he seen, though it didn't have a tail but had wings and small pricked up ears. It looked at him with that confused look and Virgil sighed, laying with his limbs spread out on the sand. He would have compared this to a starfish if he knew what one was.

Virgil sighed, a shuddering one with his eyes shut, "So sorry, I'm extra skittish today." The creature swooped down and sat on Virgil's chest, it's wings wrapped around itself like a blanket. Virgil opened his eyes with a smile, reaching out to pat the animal on the head, "Well aren't you a cutie? Wonder what your name is."

The animal of course didn't answer verbally, instead just nuzzling into Vidgil's palm. Virgil sat up, sand in his hair as he carefully cupped the animal with both hands. "You really are adorable. Would you like to keep me company?"

The bat simply flew over and sat atop Virgil's blond hair, nuzzling into the soft strands. Virgil patted it one more time on the head and stood up, wiping the coarse sand off his white robes and picking up his sword from where it had collapsed on the ground. Luckily it didn't start a fire, which made Virgil let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank goodness for that, if I caused a fire I'd never hear the end of it." The animal let out a little noise that was similar to the one the earlier demon animal made. High pitched and obviously it's way of communicating. Though unlike the demon this one was more like the animal was calmly talking to him, rather than trying to scare Virgil.

So Virgil went back to circling The Garden, but now with his little furry friend atop his head, listening to him as he spoke about the All Mighty's plan for the humans and Earth. About how it made him a tad nervous for the outcome but he knew it had to happen, that it was ineffable. While he did feel silly talking to an animal that couldn't talk back, he still did it. It made him feel calm knowing that this small, adorable creature wouldn't think it was odd for saying this and accuse him of being fallen.

Eventually, when the sky began transitioning from that dark, inky black to a pale blue it began to rain. Small droplets splattering on the sand and clumping it up, yet Virgil's sword was still glowing bright. Virgil, not wanting his little friend to get wet, bent both his wings to make a small roof above both the animal and himself.

The animal made a small noise of gratitude and Virgil continued his job.


Virgil sighed as he slumped against his desk reading glasses discarded as he rubbed his temples. The day was hectic and he'd really enjoy relaxing with a Guns 'N Roses vinyl and the nicest bottle of wine in his cabinet. He's fairly sure he still has that bottle from his shop's first day of being open.

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