Prinxiety and Logicality part 4

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Logan didn't say anything but walked out of the room blushing like crazy. When Roman and Virgil saw this they knew that they didn't fuck. Which meant Roman owed Virgil 5 dollars."Thank you!" Virgil said as Roman handed him the money,"See Pat is too innocent and Logan..... Well he's Logan" (Yeah Virgil that makes sense😒)

"Yeah yeah I know but I bet you didn't know that Logan has a crush on Pat" Roman said to Virgil who was surprised at this news. "Wait, what? Logan has a crush on Patton!" "Yeah..." Roman said looking at Virgil oddly "No way..." Virgil sighed out "Patton has a crush on Logan" "Wow...." Roman said "so they just need to admit it to the other and everything will be okay!" They then spent the rest of the night talking about them and coming up with a plan because Logan and Patton did that with them.

{Time skip brought to you by Dee's name}

The next day....

"Patton!!!" Roman yelled down the hall,"c'mere!! I need help with something" "Coming!" Pattons yelled back "What is it kiddo?" Roman was sitting on his bed, notes all around him.

"So the situation with you and Logan" Patton immediately started blushing crimson and looked away,"we need to fix it" "What?" Patton asked confused "We need to do a gigantic gesture and then-" "Don't listen to him, he may be a Gryffindor but he isn't very brave" Virgil said sitting up from the bed

"Oh yeah, cause you were! I forgot" Roman said sarcastically, "Anyways, the plan is to by him flowers, preferably purple, and tell him your feelings!" "Purple? Why purple?" Patton asked."Because purple represents sophistication" "Well blue represents responsibility, authority, knowledge, and professionalism" Virgil said counting them on his fingers

"I think I'd rather give him blue ones" "Fine! Anyways, you get the bouquet and then give it to him, proclaiming your feelings for him!" "Umm..... okay!"

The next day (yes another time skip)

{Patton's POV}

I woke up earlier than usual so I could get the bouquet for Logan and get all of this sorted out before lunch. When I got there I asked to get a bouquet of blue flowers, and decided to get all different shades, when it was done it looked beautiful.

⬆This is what it looks like⬆

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⬆This is what it looks like⬆

"Thank you!" I say to the employee "I love it!" "Your welcome" I payed for them and went back home, careful not to wake anyone up, but when I walked into the kitchen I seen Logan sitting at the table, sipping tea and reading the back of a bottle of medicine.

{No ones POV }

"Oh! Hi Lo! Why are you up so early?" Patton asked, quickly hiding the bouquet behind him. "I didn't feel so good last night. I think I might be sick"(no it's not corona)"Why are in here? You need rest!" "I'm fine Patton, besides I hav-" "No buts! Off to bed!" Patton said, grabbing Logan's arm and leading him to his room and laying him on his bed,"Now sleep!"

"Patton I'm-" "Your not fine Lo. Now, what do you want to watch?" "What?"
Logan asked confused by the question. "What do you want to watch?" "Oh.... How about Big Hero 6?" "Sure!" When it gets to Hiro first meeting Baymax Patton looks at Logan "Do you need something Patton?" Instead of answering Patton mouthed with the T.V. 'Hello! I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion!'

Logan smiled and hugged Patton, "Just as huggable too" he whispered making Patton blush, "Th-thanks Lo" "Your welcome Patton" By the end of the movie both of them were asleep and cuddling, when Logan woke up he seen Patton cuddled up to his chest "Adorable" he whispered making Patton wake up. "Hi Lo! Do you feel better?" "Yes actually, but now I'm hungry" "Well, hi hungry!" Patton said without hesitation. "You know what I mean" Logan sighed "Yes I do! Come on I can make you some lunch!" Patton said getting up with Logan following close behind.

"What's this?" he asked picking up the bouquet from the table, "There very pretty. Who are they for?" "Oh!" Patton said blushing dark red,"T-there for.... y-you" he mumbled. Logan looked and the bouquet and Patton "Well thank you Patton" Logan said going over to help Patton,"I love them" When they were done making and eating lunch Logan went up to Patton,"Patton, I need to tell you something" "Okay!"

When they got to Logan's room Patton stood next to him, waiting for him to say something. "So what do you need?" Patton asked looking up at Logan. Instead of answering Logan leaned down (yes i made him taller)
and kissed him softly. "I'm satisfied with my care" he whispered. "Awwe! I love you so much Lo!"

Okay, so that was bad but I hope you enjoyed this book. Yes, this is the last chapter but I started another book. (Also, just wanted to say I was listening to Infinitesimal by mother mother while writing and my dumb self thought it was funny) Anyways, hope your having a good night/day!


(Also happy pride!)

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