Silent Treatment (prinxiety)

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TW: my crappy writing, adorable fluff, and gayness

{Third Person POV}

"What did I say?" Roman asked, hearing nothing in response, "Come on! You can't ignore me" Virgil nodded, 'Yes I can' he mouthed, "Ugh! Can you at least use ASL?" 'Fine' he signed, to which Roman smiled, that was progress.

"Can you tell me what I said?" 'You know' "I don't, but whatever, what do you want to eat?" 'I'll make it' he stood and walked to the kitchen, still ignoring his husband.

A few seconds passed, "What did I say? Can you at least give me a hint?" He shook his head, getting things out, "What are we having?" 'Food' "How informative" he muttered, sitting on their couch.

Virgil grabbed a frying pan and spatula, banging it, "What the fuck!" Roman sat up, glaring at his husband, "Why did I ever marry you" he shrugged, going back in the kitchen, "Guess it's time to eat" walking in he seen Virgil was staring at him from his seat, 'I made spaghetti'

"Oh, okay, don't you want any?" He shook his head, sliding a plate to him, 'Oh God, he's poisoning me, I'm gonna die' "Aren't you going to eat?" He nodded slowly, grabbing the fork.

'He's gonna kill me' Roman thought as they went to bed that night, "Good night Vee" "Night Princey" he grumbled turning around, "Your talking!" He said excitedly, sitting up, "Will you tell me what I did?" He shook his head, "I'm telling you tomorrow"

He woke up feeling someone shaking him, "Wake up, I'll remind you" he seen Virgil shaking him awake, still in his pyjamas, "Mkay, tell me" "You said The Nightmare Before Christmas wasn't a Disney movie" "When?"

"High school"

"You mean to tell me you didn't talk to me because of something I said twelve years ago?" He nodded, "Only you" he grinned, "Yep, only me" he kissed his cheek, "Now, let's go have some breakfast"

Years later and Roman got revenge on him by ignoring him for three days, to which they both had been done with doing their little arguments.

That was pretty short, but I did like it. Also, I watched 10 Things I Hate About You because it's been forever and it's so nice to watch. (And I may have gotten an idea for a dukexiety fic)



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