Special Chapter 2

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I'm sorry if this took too long. I had to tutor my youngest brother for his exams so I have no choice but to cut this short again. I don't know if I can publish the next part soon but I think more or less a week would do.


Special Chapter 2


She breathes through her mouth ever so lightly as her heart beats against her ribcage. "Let's have dinner tonight, yeah?" She successfully masks her nervousness as she wraps her arms around Jennie's body from behind as the latter tries to jump into her pants.

"What's the occasion?" Jennie replies as she leans back into her lover's chest, reveling in the sweet beat of the latter's heart.

"There's no need to be an occasion, my love," Lisa replies as she leaves featherlike kisses on the cat-eyed's bare shoulder. The latter chuckles, "what time?"

"Six o'clock in the evening. What are you doing today?" The taller woman asks as she unclasps her arms around Jennie to let her finish getting ready, sitting on the couch inside their walk-in closet.

"Nayeon finally arrives later at ten with Jongyeon so we'll have to bond!" The shorter woman's reply in excitement, sitting on the armrest and circling an arm around Lisa's shoulder. The latter smiles as she looks at Jennie's bright eyes, "just don't get too caught up," she jokes as she bops on her lover's cute nose.

The cat-eyed huffs, "when did I ever, huh?" she says that makes the doe-eyed laugh with a shake of the head, "Never. Because you're so in love with me that you can't wait for it to be 6 PM," she cockily replies with a smirk which earned her a flick in the forehead, "says the one making the dinner plan."


"Serves you right. Now let's have some breakfast before you go," Jennie responds as she stood up, pulling onto Lisa's hand to make her stand.

"Oooh. You're getting stronger," the taller girl comments which makes the other girl smirk as she walks out of the closet, "you're just getting older," Lisa can hear the laughter in her lover's voice, she gasps.

"You little–" The glare the cat-eyed sends her cuts her sentence with a sheepish smile before it turns into a smirk, "run." Then Jennie squeals and bolts out of their room.

Laughter fills the air as they descend the stairs and finally, Lisa catches the cat-eyed into her arms just as they reach the kitchen, lifting her up in the air.

"Can you not?" Jisoo's irritated voice breaks their moment and the two look at the other couple in the breakfast counter with a raised eyebrow. Jennie descends from the air, fixing her hair while a pink tinge coats her cheeks.

"Why are you so bitter?" Lisa comments with a roll of the eyes and Jennie hides her smile as she makes her way into the kitchen to fix their breakfast.

"I'm not bitter," Jisoo rolls her eyes in reply, "It's sweet and all but there's just so much we can take, y'know?" Chaeyoung reasons out with a kind smile which made the two laugh and Jisoo just nodded.

"Alright. We'll try to keep it to ourselves," Jennie says in understanding as she prepares the pan for pancakes.

"Thank you!" Jisoo replies in exasperation that causes the two to laugh and Lisa to roll her eyes before she proceeds to the kitchen counter to prepare her and Jennie's coffee.

Putting two creams and one sugar each, she stirs and takes a sip. She gives the other cup to her lover, being rewarded with a thankful smile, and takes over in flipping the pancakes to let Jennie have her first sip of coffee.

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