Chapter 88

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I am hurt. My year didn't start good because of that damn rumor that is not a rumor anymore. Jennie unnie and Kai are dating based on the news and SM confirmed it but YG was still looking into it.

Honestly, I am happy for Jennie unnie. I saw how happy she was lately and it made my heart leap but I am also worried because I know their dating ban in YG isn't lifted yet. She might be punished and I swear I would camp out in YG to attack him if he did something unacceptable (that is, if I am in Korea, which I was not). I just wish for it to be light, you know what I mean?

I mean, they're humans too. They catch feelings and YG should consider their happiness. I also wish for YG to not do something like what Cube did with Hyuna and E'dawn but I think YG is not stupid to let any one of BLACKPINK to slip from his hands.

Anyway, if you guys are worried about this fic being archived or something like other authors did with their fic, it won't happen. I assure you guys. I believe Jenlisa is real no matter what. Their friendship is my life now and even though I was a little(hugely) hurt that I cried earlier, I know that Jenlisa is striving. I know that in my heart.

So now, this is the update that resulted from my heartbreak. Thank you very much. I am actually watching Jenlisa videos while typing these, well, all day actually. Just to mend my heart.

Also, I hate Dispatch. Goodbye.




Through close surveillance, the interaction between the royal-blooded and pure-blooded was studied to shed light to some questions regarding matters.

For one, a lot of traits of the royal-blooded were somehow related, if not similar, to some traits being depicted by the pure-blooded.

Though some pressing matters, one of which was highly unacceptable and far more dangerous, is the attraction between these two different people.

Theories were given but not yet fully proven about this attraction but one thing was for sure, that it has something to do with the blood coursing through the pure-blooded's veins.

Under speculation, it was somehow the same with the attraction normal humans felt around a vampire, royal-blooded or not.

And as far as the High Court is concerned, it should not be mistaken as love, even if it is prohibited or not.


It was midnight. Sitting in my spot under the shed of the oak tree felt the most painful as I stared at her sleeping form. My eyes were now dry of tears but it doesn't mean that I didn't wanna cry anymore. I guess, my tear duct was as exhausted as my heart.

I decided to take a good look at her one more time before I go. I needed time away.

I teleported myself inside her room, seeing her sprawled about the bed cutely and I just had to smile adoringly at her feeling my tears begin to cloud my eyes. I slowly and carefully sat next to her. She was facing me on the right side of the bed, her right hand under her head and her other hand dangling on the edge.

She had her lips pursed lightly, her dumpling cheeks showing themselves under the dim light and her hair was spread around on her pillow. I sighed as my heart raced in my chest at the sight of her. Even knowing the truth can't stop it from beating madly for her.

I bit my lip to suppress a sob as the painful constriction started inside my ribcage as my tears fell down. I wiped them abruptly as I took a deep breath to stop my crying. I rubbed my sweaty hand on my jeans before lightly caressing her face, travelling it through every feature, memorizing every bit. One last time, love.

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