Chapter 90

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Okay! We're down to our 90th chapter. Wow, I didn't know I would come this far and there are more happenings in this book yet to be unveiled.

 I'm thankful for your endless support and I saw how i garnered followers throughout this journey. Thank you for believing in me, guys. I love you all.



I have decided as I stare at her while she was driving us to her house. Even if this love is not real, then so be it. If it means I would be by her side then it is good enough. Nope, it is all I'll ever need.

I mean, how can you even tell that you're in love or not in love? There are so many reasons to tell that you are either.

Is it the strong pull you feel when you're near her? Is it the painful need to get close to her? Is it how you crave her presence every time you're apart? Is it the need to make her happy all the time? Is it the way your heart beat only for her? Is it how her smile lights up your world like nothing else? Is it the tingles that you feel when your skin accidentally touches hers?

Or is it how you tell yourself that it's dangerous but you do it anyway? Is it the way that you lose your mind when something about her is not under your control but love it? How you hate yourself for craving being around her but cave in easily? How everything just doesn't work like the way you want it to be but tries just for her? How all the odds are against the things that you want to happen but find comfort immediately at the sight of her?

There are so many reasons to tell that I'm in love with her but I couldn't find any that could support that I wasn't. I was comforted with that thought and it set something inside me ablaze. Like a fire that keeps getting stronger and stronger as it travels through my veins and only then that I know that this is real.

But this love isn't like any other because it burns like hell and much sweeter than the gods' ambrosia. It is something that I couldn't hide any longer as it eats me inside out and the feeling of her hand on my own caused the butterflies in my stomach to create a storm and a whole set of tingles to travel over my body with a whole new intensity.

It feels like my heart would burst, with all these contained feelings, any second now as I realized that we're already parked in their garage and her eyes were looking right through me like she knows something that I don't and that makes me so vulnerable under her gaze.

"Lisa?" She whispered all so softly causing me shiver. I smiled adoringly at her as I hummed. "We're home," she replied amusedly as she looked at me.

"I know," I responded and added, "Jennie?"

She also hummed in return while smiling softly, "I love you," I said lovingly as my heart pounded at the release of these pent-up feelings.

Her eyes went wide for a fraction at my confession, feeling speechless at my sudden declaration. I smiled sincerely, not feeling any hurt about her tongue-tied reaction, if any, I find it cute.

"I'm not saying this because I want to hear you say it back. I just want you to know and I'll wait until you're ready to say it back even if it means I'll wait forever," I said as tears fell down my eyes once again, relieved and happy that I finally let it all out.

I am completely free of anything that's holding me back and I am finally going to be able to show it to her freely without any restrictions. I could care less about those pages that's probably a thousand years old already and definitely not the same with what's happening now anymore.

I love her, period.

I let out a soft laugh because her eyes were starting to cloud with tears and gently kissed the back of her hand like she did earlier at the beach while looking into her eyes. She bit her lip to suppress the tears and brought her other soft hand to wipe the tears that had fallen from my eyes.

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