Special Chapter 4

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This is the last part of the special chapter I thought I had posted before I went on an unannounced hiatus last year due to personal reasons.

I had been picking up the pieces of my life and finding unknown pieces for the past several months. I'm doing great these past few months and I wish to start writing again. 

I went on a hiatus because I didn't want this hobby of mine, which I love so much, to become a chore as I go through depression. Now that I'm in a better place, I'm trying to get back to where I left in here. 

I thank my old self for keeping records and the world-building she did a year ago because if not for that, I'd be lost today, thank you lol.

Thank you for being patient with me through this and I hope you'll still be with me as I revise this book and as I go through an adventure with you in my two other books.


Special Chapter 4


Lisa smiles wide at the scene and holds Jennie's hand, leading her toward the candle-lit table for two. "What's this?" Jennie asks as she grazes her fingers on the table, looking at it, perfectly decorated.

She smiles, the hints of pink roses, baby's breath flowers and the little candles on the table tell her of Chaeyoung's contribution, probably the whole table's her design.

There's also a bottle of wine cooling on a glass bucket, causing the cat-eyed woman to look at her lover in amusement. "There seems to be a clash between the dinner theme and the menu," she chuckles at Lisa's pink cheeks and sheepish smile.

"Yeah," the doe-eyed scratches on her nape, "I-uhm...wanted it to be special but also personal."

Jennie smiles adoringly at her, reaching for the wine bottle, "then, we should open this first, what do you say?" Lisa chuckles and gets the wine in the cat-eyed's hand, "alright."

The doe-eyed gets a napkin and slowly pops the cork while Jennie closes her eyes at the slow hiss that comes from the bottle. When the bottle is opened without the bubbly projectile, the cat-eyed woman's mouth formed a small 'o' in amazement.

"You're good at everything except cooking," she comments and Lisa just shakes her head with a chuckle. "My cooking is actually improving, y'know? Besides I make up for it in bed," the taller girl smirks which caused an eyeroll from the smaller woman.

"Then how come that I'm as good as you in bed and still manages to cook deliciously?" Jennie smirks back, Lisa's eyes roll. "I'll be on high alert at your weakness, woman," she replies as she pours them a glass of wine, the cat-eyed laughing as Lisa makes fun of serving manners.

The doe-eyed sits as Jennie takes a sip and sighs at the brunette's sheer elegance. She takes a sip from her own as she felt Jennie's hand slides into hers, smiling against the rim of the glass while the cat-eyed plays with her fingers.

"I'm hungry," Jennie says and Lisa stifles a chuckle, nodding. On cue, Namjoon, aka the leader of the servers, comes in with a tray in his hand followed by Junhoe and Hanbin with their respective trays in hand.

The theme of the table really isn't in tune with the menu as the men put down bowls of gamjatang, poo pad pong curry, and rice in front of them. Despite that, their eyes held a gaze knowing the meaning behind this delicious meal.

"Dig in," says the three with a bow then the two women thanks them.

"Well, at least the bowls corresponds to the theme, eh?" Jennie teases and Lisa just rolls her eyes, "shut up."

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