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Needless to say, they were walked-in on again when Lisa's parents arrived. This time, Lisa was on top of Jennie, tickling the brunette while nuzzling her head on the latter's neck, kissing softly, wanting to hear more of her giggles. Jennie, fortunately, had the nerve to be embarrassed now. The four were flustered at the situation until the parents recovered and checked up on Jennie's condition.

"I think you two need to be apart for now," Jiyong said, feeling a little silly as his words came out embarrassed. Lisa's mouth opened in protest but Chaerin silenced her, "she just got converted. She needs to recuperate first and you - what you're doing earlier will not be advisable for now."

The younger women looked down in embarrassment before they nodded. "But can I at least sleep in the same room?" Lisa asked with a pout, trying to bargain, "I'll sleep on the couch," she said while pointing at the couch. Her parents shook their heads while Jennie hid her smile.

"No, dear," Chaerin said which caused Lisa to purse her lips childishly. "Mom, I can't be apart from her. I just got her. I will never let her out of my sight again." Lisa furrowed her eyebrows, already imagining how being away from her would be like.

Jennie could feel Lisa's sadness through their bond, which had become stronger now as if she was really one with her. She reached for Lisa's hands on top of the duvet and looked at her comfortingly which lifted Lisa's mood dramatically, easing the furrow between her eyebrows.

The parents saw what transpired in front of them and sighed while looking at each other. "Okay but no to those things, alright?" Jiyong said which made the two kids visibly relax in their seats and nodded in agreement.

"Hugs are permitted, right?" Lisa said cheekily causing her mother to glare at her, making the two kids giggle like teenage girls.

"Jennie, you need to drink blood like human meals, right? It would help in toning down your sensitivity then you'll start training after you recover." Jiyong gestured to the pitcher and Jennie smiled gratefully at them.

"Okay, we'll leave you now. Lisa..." Chaerin called for Lisa's attention who was already all over Jennie again, "behave," she said with a glare when her daughter looked at her, nodding.

"Kids and their hormones," The parents said as they went out the door.

A few more months have passed.

Taehyung was needed to go back to South Korea for their corporation. He had been missing for several months and had possibly put the corporation in jeopardy. Jungkook insisted to come with and Taehyung smiled thankfully that he won't be coming home alone.

Jennie could already control her sense of smell and had already spent time with her brother before he left, going with them at the airport to personally send them away.

"Okay, punch!" Lisa exclaimed as she readied her stance for Jennie's assaults. Ooof. A mere punch on her boxing pad caused her to slide a few feet off the mat. Jennie smiled triumphantly, jumping on her feet, making Lisa shake her head with a small smile.

"Jennie, we aren't here to show off," she chuckled causing her lover to pout. Jennie had been constantly getting combat training from Seulgi about the basics but the former could sometimes use a heavy amount of power on her blows that Seulgi couldn't handle, no matter how bad Jennie's posture was so Lisa had to take on the job.

"Yeah, we're here to control our strength," Jennie said as she made silly gestures with her hands. Lisa rolled her eyes though a smile still played on her lips.

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