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to tell you guys, BLACKPINK is the first girl group that I supported in Kpop

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to tell you guys, BLACKPINK is the first girl group that I supported in Kpop. I'd already heard of kpop when I was in high school because of all my friends back then but nothing really caught my attention, until 2016.

this photo ☝️introduced me to BLACKPINK

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this photo ☝️introduced me to BLACKPINK. this is a memorable photo and I thought that it was destiny (corny, I know) because I chanced upon it when I was scrolling through Google images.

They caught my attention. These four beautiful souls that I would never regret stanning had changed my life. They helped me in pursuing my passion for writing because writing is something I didn't have the courage to venture on but I was longing for it.

They made me do just that. So many story plots (😉) come to life in my head as I thought about them and I accept them wholeheartedly, hoping that one day, my words would graze the paper and I would owe it to them.

I love them so much and I hope you also all love them equally. I hope the fights inside the fandom will cease to exist and we'll all live in harmony, supporting these loving souls.

Look at this cute newly weds uwu:

and Jisoo smacking Lisa's head with our hammer bong because she's stealing her wife ㅋㅋㅋ

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and Jisoo smacking Lisa's head with our hammer bong because she's stealing her wife ㅋㅋㅋ

and Jisoo smacking Lisa's head with our hammer bong because she's stealing her wife ㅋㅋㅋ

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These are proofs that the pinks are in a polyamorous relationship AHAHAHA

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These are proofs that the pinks are in a polyamorous relationship AHAHAHA. Chaesoo and Jenlisa are married, Chaennie are calling each other hubby and wifey, Lisoo having couple rings, Jensoo the oldest couple and the maknaes being engaged to each other! 

Damn, they really don't need anybody else XD. Well guys, don't take shipping so seriously. There are some delulu's who were getting angry when one ship didn't sail at one point in time and that results to unnecessary hate on the ship that sailed. Just like what happened in Lisa unnie's ig post where there are so many comments asking about Jenlisa.

Please don't take it too far. That's all. I love you guys! Let's all wait for the VLIVE today! Yay! One VLIVE that I would make sure I'll see because I haven't had much luck several times in the past. I would make sure I'd catch it!

 I would make sure I'd catch it!

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The update is coming along. I've already been recovering my files from the external drive and I think it would take hours to finish. Imagine having 365GB of files in a drive? HAHAHA and to think that 2/3 of it are BLACKPINK stuff? I really worried about those BLACKPINK files more than I did about the college files there hehehe. 

BLACKPINK comes first, amayrayt? ㅋㅋ But I'm not telling you to not focus on studying alright? Okay, bubye!!!

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