Chapter 80

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Hello, guys!! I'm sorry for the long wait, hehe.

First off, I haven't thanked you yet for following me here so thank you! I never thought I would gain more than a hundred followers here in this platform but you made it possible so I'm grateful for all of you. Second, Poisonous Blood have almost 150k reads now! Could you believe that?! I've never imagined that in my whole life but here we are!

You don't know how grateful I am because of these achievements and to top these, my grades for the prelims are great! Thankfully, I passed them and I think I'll be able to survive the rest of the semester (hopefully). I'm being blessed for months now and you're part of the reason.

That's whyyyyy (drum rooolll), this is the part two! The part three of their date is in the process and it's almost finished, I promise. We don't have classes tomorrow so I think I'll find the time to finish it for you guys.

Also, some spoiler (about the author), I might become busy again and the updates will become more irregular than usual XD. Just kidding. I'll really make time for this, I promise but because the midterms will start, I think I have little time but I will not abandon this story. I'll do what I can.

How's the Jennie drought, by the way? HAHAHAHA! She's MIA for more than a week and I pray to God that she's okay and happy and reunited with the fam. Hell, I didn't know how we survived without them for a year when they don't have any social media. Now that they have, I don't think we'll never be not thirsty, hahaha.

Okay, here's the update! I love you, guys!



I had my hand outside the window, feeling the wind as we drove. The soft sounds coming from the radio filled the comfortable air around us as trees filled my peripheral vision. Lisa was silently humming with the song while tapping the steering wheel lightly.

I rested my back on my seat and diverted my eyes toward her. When she felt my gaze on her, a cute smile tugged at her lips, making me giggle softly. She looked at me for a second with a raised brow, "what?"

I had my body facing her now after I retrieved my hand from outside as I shook my head at her question, "this feels nice," I replied and moved my hand to caress her hair on her shoulder. I felt her body relax at my caresses that made me bite my lip to suppress a smile. I love my effect on her.

"You aren't bored?" She looked at me for second with an adoring smile on her lips. "No. Who'll get bored looking at a goddess in front of her?" I teased, making her move uncomfortably in her seat while a red tint emerged in her cheeks, "ya~I'm driving~," she whined, making me laugh.

"What? I'm not doing anything," I teased her again, making her shoot a glare at my direction before focusing on driving again. I just chuckled and fixed my seat but still facing her. "How long have we been on the road?" I asked while continuing caressing her hair.

"Just about 15 minutes, another 15 then we'll be there," she answered while looking at me. I just hummed then sang softly to the song while staring at her. I just can't get enough of her beauty. She's ethereal.

A sudden blush crept up her cheeks while biting her lips and glancing at me. I furrowed my eyebrows, "are you feeling hot? Should I turn the AC up?" I asked her in confusion.

She shook her head no, "then why are you blushing?" I asked with a light laugh. "Ya! Stop it~" She whined while wiggling off my hand on her shoulder. "Okay, okay!" I said and retrieved my hand.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" I pouted as I asked which made her laugh softly. "Just wait. We're almost there," she replied and held my hand, intertwining it, making me feel a rush travel from her touch throughout my body. It made me smile widely at the sensation.

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