Chapter 129

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Chapter 129


"Yeri, Seulgi, Wonyoung, I need a report on our arsenals. This piece of cloth is accompanied by a silver arrow. We can't underestimate their weapons," they nodded and I continued, "we'll have people on nearby locations as long-range shooters, they'll serve as our shields on blind spots."

"Joy, potions, try to replicate the one they used against our men in the security prison so we could use it against them. Make your version a little lethal. We'll get them back tenfold for what they've done."

I gave out another order, "also, formulate another potion that could render theirs ineffective on us. Have Wendy help you with gathering information about it. I think Namjoon can give you hospital access to the men who're already recovering."

"We'll need more than a million to go against them, Lisa. I think we need to let the public know about the war. It could backfire if we didn't let the public in on what's happening. They'd find it suspicious that we're gathering all the soldiers in the area," Namjoon made a point and I contemplated it a little.

I looked at him, "you think so?" Namjoon wasn't the only one who nodded. All of them did, including my brother. I nodded, "okay, we'll consult with Father later after I give all my orders," they gave a smile of affirmative.

"In that case, we'll have to put a lockdown on the borders of the Kingdom so no one will think of interfering in the war," I sighed, "that's thousands less of the soldiers we have on the field," I told them as I massaged my temple in stress.

"Lisa, Kookie already said it. We're three armies combined. We can take them down. We have reserves from all over the world that we could call home to help us as well as your Royal relatives." Yunhyeong responded and others nodded.

"It's okay to worry but don't let it interfere with what we're doing here," Yugyeom said with a smile. I bit on my nails in thought before I nodded.

"Okay. Lieutenants, call those reserves Yunhyeong was talking about. Get help from the intelligence department while Irene and Seulgi prepares a plan for your separate mission. Kookie and I will contact the other Royals."

"Commanders, prepare the training grounds under the secret basement for our soldiers. We need them to be in perfect shape before the war. I don't want any mishaps during this preparation. I want it clean and swift. Only prepare blanks on the shooting range, we'll need the silvers on the field."

"They should be here as soon as possible. Possibly on daybreak tomorrow," I leaned relaxed on the table as I looked at them.

"We'll have a proper simulation of the rescue Eunbi, Jisoo, so prepare all strategies you could do. We'll be as harsh as possible to prepare for the worst. I'm counting on all of you," I took a deep breath as anxiety coursed through me once again at all the possibilities that could happen to them, to Jennie.

I know these preparations could go to waste at the battlefield, but it's still needed to train our mindsets.

I nodded, "that's all for now. Get on with it. Dismiss," I told them. I looked at my brother before he nodded at me and walked first out of the conference room, leaving our subordinates to their own devices to do what I ordered.

We ascended the stairs and straight to our parents' room. Jungkook knocked three times on the double doors and waited for them to answer. A few seconds passed and the doors opened. "It's already late. What brought you here?" Mom asked as she opened it wide for us to come in.

We found Dad cross-legged with his reading glasses on, already in his pajamas, reading on the leather couch with tea on the coffee table. He looked up before he let down the book and gestured for us to sit.

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